Source code for anyblok.bloks.anyblok_core.documentation.model.field

# This file is a part of the AnyBlok project
#    Copyright (C) 2015 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
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# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
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from logging import getLogger

from anyblok import Declarations

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@Declarations.register(Declarations.Model.Documentation.Model) class Field: mappers = { ("Many2One", True): ("m2o", "o2m"), ("Many2One", False): ("m2o", None), ("Many2Many", True): ("m2m", "m2m"), ("Many2Many", False): ("m2m", None), ("One2Many", True): ("o2m", "m2o"), ("One2Many", False): ("o2m", None), ("One2One", True): ("o2o", "o2o"), ("One2One", False): ("o2o", "o2o"), } def __init__(self, field, parent): self.field = field self.model = parent.model @classmethod def getelements(cls, model): Model = cls.anyblok.get(model.model) if Model.is_sql: return Model.fields_description().values() return [] @classmethod def header2RST(cls, doc): doc.write("Fields\n~~~~~~\n\n") @classmethod def footer2RST(cls, doc): pass def toRST(self, doc): doc.write("* " + self.field["id"] + "\n\n") self.toRST_docstring(doc) self.toRST_properties(doc) def toRST_docstring(self, doc): if hasattr(self.field, "__doc__") and self.field.__doc__: doc.write(self.field.__doc__ + "\n\n") # pragma: no cover def toRST_properties_get(self): return {x: y for x, y in self.field.items() if x != "id"} def toRST_properties(self, doc): properties = self.toRST_properties_get() msg = ", ".join(" **%s** (%s)" % (x, y) for x, y in properties.items()) doc.write(msg + "\n\n") def toUML(self, dot): if "remote_name" in self.field: self.toUML_relationship(dot) # pragma: no cover else: self.toUML_column(dot) def toUML_column(self, dot): model = dot.get_class(self.model) name = self.field["id"] if self.field["primary_key"]: name = "+PK+ " + name if self.field["model"]: # pragma: no cover remote_model = dot.get_class(self.field["model"]) multiplicity = "1" if self.field["nullable"]: multiplicity = "0..1" model.aggregate( remote_model, label_from=name, multiplicity_from=multiplicity ) else: name += " (%s)" % self.field["type"] model.add_column(name) def toUML_relationship(self, dot): # pragma: no cover if self.field.remote: return model = dot.get_class(self.field.model) multiplicity, multiplicity_to = self.mappers[ (self.field.ftype, True if self.field.remote_name else False) ] model.associate( self.field.remote_model,, label_to=self.field.remote_name, multiplicity_from=multiplicity, multiplicity_to=multiplicity_to, ) def toSQL(self, dot): if "remote_name" in self.field: self.toSQL_relationship(dot) # pragma: no cover else: self.toSQL_column(dot) def toSQL_relationship(self, dot): # TODO pass # pragma: no cover def toSQL_column(self, dot): Model = self.anyblok.get(self.model) if self.field["id"] in Model.loaded_fields: return table = dot.get_table(self.anyblok.get(self.model).__tablename__) if self.field.get("foreign_key"): # pragma: no cover remote_table = dot.get_table(self.field.foreign_key.split(".")[0]) if remote_table is None: remote_table = dot.add_label( self.field.foreign_key.split(".")[0] ) table.add_foreign_key( remote_table,, nullable=self.field.nullable, ) else: table.add_column( self.field["id"], self.field["type"], primary_key=self.field["primary_key"], )