Source code for anyblok.model.table_and_mapper

# This file is a part of the AnyBlok project
#    Copyright (C) 2017 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
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from sqlalchemy import CheckConstraint, ForeignKeyConstraint
from sqlalchemy.exc import NoInspectionAvailable
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

from ..common import sgdb_in
from .exceptions import ModelException
from .plugins import ModelPluginBase

[docs]class TableMapperPlugin(ModelPluginBase):
[docs] def initialisation_tranformation_properties( self, properties, transformation_properties ): """Initialise the transform properties: hybrid_method :param new_type_properties: param to add in a new base if need """ properties["add_in_table_args"] = [] if "table_args" not in transformation_properties: transformation_properties["table_args"] = False transformation_properties["table_kwargs"] = False if "mapper_args" not in transformation_properties: transformation_properties["mapper_args"] = False
[docs] def transform_base( self, namespace, base, transformation_properties, new_type_properties ): """Test if define_table/mapper_args are in the base, and call them save the value in the properties if __table/mapper_args__ are in the base then raise ModelException :param namespace: the namespace of the model :param base: One of the base of the model :param transformation_properties: the properties of the model :param new_type_properties: param to add in a new base if need """ if hasattr(base, "__table_args__"): raise ModelException( "'__table_args__' attribute is forbidden, on Model : %r (%r)." "Use the class method 'define_table_args' to define the value " "allow anyblok to fill his own '__table_args__' attribute" % (namespace, base.__table_args__) ) if hasattr(base, "__mapper_args__"): raise ModelException( "'__mapper_args__' attribute is forbidden, on Model : %r (%r)." "Use the class method 'define_mapper_args' to define the " "value allow anyblok to fill his own '__mapper_args__' " "attribute" % (namespace, base.__mapper_args__) ) if hasattr(base, "define_table_args"): transformation_properties["table_args"] = True if hasattr(base, "define_table_kwargs"): transformation_properties["table_kwargs"] = True if hasattr(base, "define_mapper_args"): transformation_properties["mapper_args"] = True
[docs] def insert_in_bases( self, new_base, namespace, properties, transformation_properties ): """Create overwrite to define table and mapper args to define some options for SQLAlchemy :param new_base: the base to be put on front of all bases :param namespace: the namespace of the model :param properties: the properties declared in the model :param transformation_properties: the properties of the model """ table_args = tuple(properties["add_in_table_args"]) if table_args: new_base.define_table_args = self.define_table_args( new_base, namespace, table_args ) transformation_properties["table_args"] = True if transformation_properties["table_kwargs"] is True: if sgdb_in(self.registry.engine, ["MySQL", "MariaDB"]): new_base.define_table_kwargs = self.define_table_kwargs( new_base, namespace ) self.insert_in_bases_table_args(new_base, transformation_properties) self.insert_in_bases_mapper_args(new_base, transformation_properties)
[docs] def define_table_args(self, new_base, namespace, table_args): """ :param new_base: the base to be put on front of all bases :param namespace: the namespace of the model """ def fnct(cls_): if cls_.__registry_name__ == namespace: res = super(new_base, cls_).define_table_args() fks = [ for x in res if isinstance(x, ForeignKeyConstraint) ] t_args = [] for field in table_args: for constraint in field.update_table_args( self.registry, cls_ ): if ( not isinstance(constraint, ForeignKeyConstraint) or not in fks ): t_args.append(constraint) elif isinstance(constraint, CheckConstraint): t_args.append(constraint) # pragma: no cover return res + tuple(t_args) return () return classmethod(fnct)
[docs] def define_table_kwargs(self, new_base, namespace): """ :param new_base: the base to be put on front of all bases :param namespace: the namespace of the model """ def fnct(cls_): res = {} if cls_.__registry_name__ == namespace: res = super(new_base, cls_).define_table_kwargs() res.update(dict(mysql_engine="InnoDB", mysql_charset="utf8")) return res return classmethod(fnct)
[docs] def insert_in_bases_table_args(self, new_base, transformation_properties): """Add table __table_args__ in new_base :param new_base: the base to be put on front of all bases :param transformation_properties: the properties of the model """ if ( transformation_properties["table_args"] and transformation_properties["table_kwargs"] ): def __table_args__(cls_): try: res = cls_.define_table_args() + ( cls_.define_table_kwargs(), ) except NoInspectionAvailable: # pragma: no cover raise ModelException( "A Index or constraint on the model " f'"{cls_.__registry_name__}" if defined with SQLAlchemy' "class use the anyblok Index or constraint" ) return res new_base.__table_args__ = declared_attr(__table_args__) elif transformation_properties["table_args"]: def __table_args__(cls_): return cls_.define_table_args() new_base.__table_args__ = declared_attr(__table_args__) elif transformation_properties["table_kwargs"]: # pragma: no cover def __table_args__(cls_): return cls_.define_table_kwargs() new_base.__table_args__ = declared_attr(__table_args__)
[docs] def insert_in_bases_mapper_args(self, new_base, transformation_properties): """Add table __mapper_args__ in new_base :param new_base: the base to be put on front of all bases :param transformation_properties: the properties of the model """ if transformation_properties["mapper_args"]: def __mapper_args__(cls_): res = cls_.define_mapper_args() if "polymorphic_on" in res and res["polymorphic_on"]: column = res["polymorphic_on"] res["polymorphic_on"] = column.descriptor.sqla_column return res new_base.__mapper_args__ = declared_attr(__mapper_args__)