Anyblok mainly depends on:

  • Python 3.3+
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Alembic


A blok is a collection of source code files. These files are loaded in the registry only if the blok state is installed.

To declare a blok you have to:

  1. Declare a Python package:

    The name of the module is not really significant
    --> Just create an ```` file
  2. Declare a blok class in the of the Python package:

    from anyblok.blok import Blok
    class MyBlok(Blok):
        """ Short description of the blok """
        version = '1.0.0'

Here are the available attributes for the blok:

Attribute Description
__doc__ Short description of the blok (in the docstring)
version the version of the blok (required because no value by default)
autoinstall boolean, if True this blok is automatically installed
priority installation order of the blok to installation
readme Path of the ‘readme’ file of the blok, by default README.rst

And the methods that define blok behaviours:

Method Description
clean_before_reload classmethod, call before Python reload of the blok. Use only if an action must be executed before reloading the blok
update Action to do when the blok is being installed or updated. This method has one argument latest_version (None for install)
uninstall Action to do when the blok is being uninstalled
load Action to do when the server starts
  1. Declare the entry point in the

    from setuptools import setup
            'AnyBlok': [


In AnyBlok, everything is a declaration (Model, Column, ...) and you have to import the Declarations class:

from anyblok.declarations import Declarations

The Declarations has two main methods

Method name Description

Add the blok in the registry This method can be used as:

  • A function:

    class Foo:
    register(``Declarations.type``, cls_=Foo)
  • A decorator:

    class Foo:

Remove an existing blok from the registry. This method is only used as a function:

from ... import Foo

unregister(``Declarations.type``, cls_=Foo)


Declarations.type must be replaced by:

  • Model
  • Column
  • ...

Declarations.type defines the behaviour of the register and unregister methods


A Model is an AnyBlok class referenced in the registry. The registry is hierarchical. The model Foo is accessed by registry.Foo and the model Foo.Bar is accessed by registry.Foo.Bar.

To declare a Model you must use register:

from anyblok.declarations import Declarations

register = Declarations.register
Model = Declarations.Model

class Foo:

The name of the model is defined by the name of the class (here Foo). The namespace of Foo is defined by the hierarchy under Model. In this example, Foo is in Model, you can access at Foo by Model.Foo.


Model.Foo is not the Foo Model. It is an avatar of Foo only used for the declaration.

If you define the Bar model, under the Foo model, you should write:

class Bar:
    """ Description of the model """


The description is used by the model System.Model to describe the model

The declaration name of Bar is Model.Foo.Bar. The namespace of Bar in the registry is Foo.Bar. The namespace of Foo in the registry is Foo:

Foo = registry.Foo
Bar = registry.Foo.Bar

Some models have a table in the database. The name of the table is by default the namespace in lowercase with . replaced with ..


The registry is accessible only in the method of the models:

class Foo:

    def myMethod(self):
        registry = self.registry
        Foo = registry.Foo

The main goal of AnyBlok is not only to add models in the registry, but also to easily overload these models. The declaration stores the Python class in the registry. If one model already exist then the second declaration of this model overloads the first model:

class Foo:
    x = 1

class Foo:
    x = 2


Foo = registry.Foo
assert Foo.x == 2

Here are the parameters of the register method for Model:

Param Description
cls_ Define the real class if register is used as a function not as a decorator

Overload the name of the class:

 @register(Model, name_='Bar')
 class Foo:


Overload the name of the table:

@register(Model, tablename='my_table')
class Foo:
is_sql_view Boolean flag, which indicateis if the model is based on a SQL view

Define the real name of the table. By default the table name is the registry name without the declaration type, and with ‘.’ replaced with ‘_’. This attribute is also used to map an existing table declared by a previous Model. Allowed values:

  • str

    @register(Model, tablename='foo')
    class Bar:
  • declaration

    @register(Model, tablename=Model.Foo)
    class Bar:

Non SQL Model

This is the default model. This model has no tables. It is used to organize the registry or for specific process.:

class Foo:

SQL Model

A SQL Model is a simple Model with Column or RelationShip. For each model, one table will be created.:

class Foo:
    # SQL Model with mapped with the table ``foo``

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    # id is a column on the table ``foo``


Each SQL Model have to have got one or more primary key

View Model

A View Model as SQL Model. Need the declaration of Column and / or RelationShip. In the register the param is_sql_view must be True and the View Model must define the sqlalchemy_view_declaration classmethod.:

@register(Model, is_sql_view=True)
class Foo:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String()

    def sqlalchemy_view_declaration(cls):
        from sqlalchemy.sql import select
        Model = cls.registry.System.Model
        return select(['id'),'name')])

sqlalchemy_view_declaration must return a select query corresponding to the request of the SQL view.


To declare a Column in a model, add a column on the table of the model. All the column type are in the Declarations:

from anyblok.declarations import Declarations

Integer = Declarations.Column.Integer
String = Declarations.Column.String

class MyModel:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    name = String()

List of the Declarations of the column type:

  • DateTime: use datetime.datetime
  • Decimal: use decimal.Decimal
  • Float
  • Time: use datetime.time
  • BigInteger
  • Boolean
  • Date: use
  • Integer
  • Interval: use the datetime.timedelta
  • LargeBinary
  • SmallInteger
  • String
  • Text
  • uString
  • uText
  • Selection
  • Json

All the columns have the following parameters:

Parameter Description
label Label of the column, If None the label is the name of column capitalized

define a default value for this column.

..warning:: the default value depends of the column type

index boolean flag to define whether the column is indexed
nullable Defines if the column must be filled or not
primary_key Boolean flag to define if the column is a primary key or not
unique Boolean flag to define if the column value must be unique or not

Define a foreign key on this column to another column of another model:

class Foo:
    id : Integer(primary_key=True)

class Bar:
    id : Integer(primary_key=True)
    foo: Integer(foreign_key=(Model.Foo, 'id'))

Other attribute for String and uString:

Param Description
size Column size in the bdd

Other attribute for Selection:

Param Description
size column size in the bdd
selections dict or dict.items to give the available key with the associate label


To declare a RelationShip in a model, add a RelationShip on the table of the model. All the RelationShip types are in the Declarations:

from anyblok.declarations import Declarations

Integer = Declarations.Column.Integer
Many2One = Declarations.RelationShip.Many2One

class MyModel:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)

class MyModel2:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    mymodel = Many2One(model=Declaration.Model.MyModel)

List of the Declarations of the RelationShip type:

  • One2One
  • Many2One
  • One2Many
  • Many2Many

Parameters of a RelationShip:

Param Description
label The label of the column
model The remote model
remote_column The column name on the remote model, if no remote columns are defined the remote column will be the primary column of the remote model

Parameters of the One2One field:

Param Description
column_name Name of the local column. If the column doesn’t exist then this column will be created. If no column name then the name will be ‘tablename’ + ‘_’ + name of the relationship
nullable Indicates if the column name is nullable or not
backref Remote One2One link with the column name

Parameters of the Many2One field:

Parameter Description
column_name Name of the local column. If the column doesn’t exist then this column will be created. If no column name then the name will be ‘tablename’ + ‘_’ + name of the relation ship
nullable Indicate if the column name is nullable or not
one2many Opposite One2Many link with this Many2one

Parameters of the One2Many field:

Parameter Description
primaryjoin Join condition between the relationship and the remote column
many2one Opposite Many2One link with this One2Many

Parameters of the Many2Many field:

Parameter Description
join_table many2many intermediate table between both models
m2m_remote_column Column name in the join table which have got the foreign key to the remote model
local_column Name of the local column which holds the foreign key to the join table. If the column does not exist then this column will be created. If no column name then the name will be ‘tablename’ + ‘_’ + name of the relationship
m2m_local_column Column name in the join table which holds the foreign key to the model
many2many Opposite Many2Many link with this relationship


To declare a Field in a model, add a Field on the Model, this is not a SQL column. All the Field type are in the Declarations:

from anyblok.declarations import Declarations

Integer = Declarations.Column.Integer
Fuction = Declarations.Field.Function

class MyModel:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    myid = Function(fget='get_my_id')

    def get_my_id(self):

List of the Declarations of the Field type:

  • Function

Parameters for Field.Function

Parameter Description

name of the method to call to get the value of field:

def fget(self):
model The remote model
remote_column The column name on the remote model, if no remote columns are given, the remote column will be the primary column of the remote model


A Mixin looks like a Model, but has no tables. A Mixin adds behaviour to a Model with Python inheritance:

class MyMixin:

    def foo():

class MyModel(Mixin.MyMixin):


assert hasattr(registry.MyModel, 'foo')

If you inherit a mixin, all the models previously using the base mixin also benefit from the overload:

class MyMixin:

class MyModel(Mixin.MyMixin):

class MyMixin:

    def foo():


assert hasattr(registry.MyModel, 'foo')

SQL View

An SQL view is a model, with the argument is_sql_view=True in the register. and the classmethod sqlalchemy_view_declaration:

class T1:
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    code = String()
    val = Integer()

class T2:
    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    code = String()
    val = Integer()

@register(Model, is_sql_view=True)
class TestView:
    code = String(primary_key=True)
    val1 = Integer()
    val2 = Integer()

    def sqlalchemy_view_declaration(cls):
        """ This method must return the query of the view """
        T1 = cls.registry.T1
        T2 = cls.registry.T2
        query = select([T1.code.label('code'),
        return query.where(T1.code == T2.code)


Core is a low level set of declarations for all the Models of AnyBlok. Core adds general behaviour to the application.


Add a behaviour in all the Models, Each Model inherits Base. For instance, the fire method of the event come from Core.Base.

from anyblok import Declarations

class Base:


Only the Models with Field, Column, RelationShip inherits Core.SqlBase. For instance, the insert method only makes sense for the Model with a table.

from anyblok import Declarations

class SqlBase:


Like SqlBase, only the SqlView inherits this Core class.

from anyblok import Declarations

class SqlViewBase:


Overloads the SQLAlchemy Query class.

from anyblok import Declarations

class Query


Overloads the SQLAlchemy Session class.

from anyblok import Declarations

class Session


from anyblok import Declarations

class InstrumentedList

InstrumentedList is the class returned by the Query for all the list result like:

  • query.all()
  • relationship list (Many2Many, One2Many)

Adds some features like getting a specific property or calling a method on all the elements of the list:


Sharing a table between more than one model

SQLAlchemy allows two methods to share a table between two or more mapping class:

  • Inherit an SQL Model in a non-SQL Model:

    class Test:
        id = Integer(primary_key=True)
        name = String()
    class Test2(Model.Test):
    t1 = Test1.insert(name='foo')
    assert Test2.query().filter( ==,
                       == == 1
  • Share the __table__.

    AnyBlok cannot give the table at the declaration, because the table does not exist yet. But during the assembly, if the table exists and the model has the name of this table, AnyBlok directly links the table. To define the table you must use the named argument tablename in the register

    class Test:
        id = Integer(primary_key=True)
        name = String()
    @register(Model, tablename=Model.Test)
    class Test2:
        id = Integer(primary_key=True)
        name = String()
    t1 = Test1.insert(name='foo')
    assert Test2.query().filter( ==,
                       == == 1


    There are no checks on the existing columns.

Sharing a view between more than one model

Sharing a view between two Models is the merge between:

  • Creating a View Model
  • Sharing the same table between more than one model.


For the view you must redined the column in the Model corresponding to the view with inheritance or simple Share by tablename

Specific behaviour

AnyBlok implements some facilities to help developers


The cache allows to call a method more than once without having any difference in the result. But the cache must also depend on the registry database and the model. The cache of anyblok can be put on a Model, a Core or a Mixin method. If the cache is on a Core or a Mixin then the usecase depends on the registry name of the assembled model.

Use Declarations.cache or Declarations.classmethod_cache to apply a cache on a method

Cache the method of a Model:

class Foo:

    def bar(cls):
        import random
        return random.random()


assert ==

Cache the method coming from a Mixin:

class MFoo:

    def bar(cls):
        import random
        return random.random()

class Foo(Mixin.MFoo):

class Foo2(Mixin.MFoo):


assert ==
assert ==
assert !=

Cache the method coming from a Mixin:

class Base

    def bar(cls):
        import random
        return random.random()

class Foo:

class Foo2:


assert ==
assert ==
assert !=


Simple implementation of a synchronous event:

class Event:

class Test:

        x = 0

        @Declarations.addListener(Model.Event, 'fireevent')
        def my_event(cls, a=1, b=1):
            cls.x = a * b

---------------------------------------------'fireevent', a=2)
assert registry.Test.x == 2


The decorated method is seen as a classmethod

This API gives:

  • a decorator addListener which binds the decorated method to the event.

  • fire method with the following parameters:
    • event: string name of the event
    • *args: positionnal arguments to pass att the decorated method
    • **kwargs: named argument to pass at the decorated method

It is possible to overload an existing event listener, just by overloading the decorated method:

class Test:

    def my_event(cls, **kwarg):
        res = super(Test, cls).my_event(**kwargs)
        return res * 2

---------------------------------------------'fireevent', a=2)
assert registry.Test.x == 4


The overload does not take the addListener decorator but the classmethod decorator, because the method name is already seen as an event listener

Hybrid method

Facility to create an SQLAlchemy hybrid method. See this page:

AnyBlok allows to define a hybrid_method which can be overloaded, because the real sqlalchemy decorator is applied after assembling in the last overload of the decorated method:

class Test:

    def my_hybrid_method(self):
        return ...

Pre-commit hook

It is possible to call specific classmethods just before the commit of the session:

class Test:

    id = Integer(primary_key=True)
    val = Integer(default=0)

    def method2call_just_before_the_commit(cls):




Facility to create an SQL alias for the SQL query by the ORM:

select * from my_table the_table_alias.

This facility is given by SQLAlchemy, and anyblok adds this functionnality directly in the Model:

BlokAliased = registry.System.Blok.aliased()


See this page: to know the parameters of the aliased method


The first arg is already passed by AnyBlok