Source code for anyblok.bloks.anyblok_core.core.query

# This file is a part of the AnyBlok project
#    Copyright (C) 2014 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
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from anyblok import Declarations
from anyblok.common import anyblok_column_prefix
from sqlalchemy.orm import query
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from logging import getLogger

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@Declarations.register(Declarations.Core) class Query(query.Query): """ Overload the SqlAlchemy Query """ def set_Model(self, Model): self.Model = Model.__registry_name__
[docs] def one(self): """Overwrite sqlalchemy one() method to improve exception message Add model name to query exception message """ try: return super(Query, self).one() except NoResultFound as exc: logger.debug('On Model %r: exc %s: query %s', self.Model, str(exc), str(self)) if self.Model: raise exc.__class__( 'On Model %r: %s' % (self.Model, str(exc))) raise
[docs] def all(self): """ Return an instrumented list of the result of the query """ return self.registry.InstrumentedList(super(Query, self).all())
[docs] def with_perm(self, principals, permission): """Add authorization pre- and post-filtering to query. This must be last in the construction chain of the query. Queries too complicated for the authorization system to infer safely will be refused. :param principals: list, set or tuple of strings :param str permission: the permission to filter for :returns: a query-like object, with only the returning methods, such as ``all()``, ``count()`` etc. available. """ return self.registry.wrap_query_permission( self, principals, permission)
def get_field_nams_in_column_description(self): field2get = [x['name'] for x in self.column_descriptions if not hasattr(x['type'], '__table__')] field2get = [(x[len(anyblok_column_prefix):] if x.startswith(anyblok_column_prefix) else x, x) for x in field2get] return field2get def dictone(self): try: val = except NoResultFound as exc: msg = str(exc).replace('one()', 'dictone()') raise exc.__class__(msg) field2get = self.get_field_nams_in_column_description() if field2get: return {x: getattr(val, y) for x, y in field2get} else: return val.to_dict() def dictfirst(self): val = self.first() field2get = self.get_field_nams_in_column_description() if field2get: return {x: getattr(val, y) for x, y in field2get} else: return val.to_dict() def dictall(self): vals = self.all() if not vals: return [] field2get = self.get_field_nams_in_column_description() if field2get: return [{x: getattr(y, z) for x, z in field2get} for y in vals] else: return vals.to_dict()