Source code for anyblok.bloks.anyblok_core.core.sqlbase

# This file is a part of the AnyBlok project
#    Copyright (C) 2014 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
# obtain one at
from anyblok.declarations import Declarations, classmethod_cache
from anyblok.field import FieldException
from anyblok.column import Column
from anyblok.mapper import FakeColumn, FakeRelationShip
from anyblok.relationship import RelationShip, Many2Many
from anyblok.common import anyblok_column_prefix
from ..exceptions import SqlBaseException
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased, ColumnProperty
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import true
from sqlalchemy import or_, and_, inspect
from sqlalchemy_utils.models import NO_VALUE, NOT_LOADED_REPR
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import object_state

class uniquedict(dict):

    def add_in_res(self, key, attrs):
        if key not in self:
            self[key] = []

        for attr in attrs:
            if attr not in self[key]:

[docs]class SqlMixin: def __repr__(self): state = inspect(self) field_reprs = [] fields_description = self.fields_description() keys = list(fields_description.keys()) keys.sort() for key in keys: type_ = fields_description[key]['type'] if key in state.attrs: value = state.attrs.get(key).loaded_value elif (anyblok_column_prefix + key) in state.attrs: value = state.attrs.get( anyblok_column_prefix + key).loaded_value else: continue if value == NO_VALUE: value = NOT_LOADED_REPR elif value and type_ in ('One2Many', 'Many2Many'): value = '<%s len(%d)>' % ( fields_description[key]['model'], len(value) ) elif value and type_ in ('One2One', 'Many2One'): value = '<%s(%s)>' % ( fields_description[key]['model'], ', '.join(['='.join([x, str(y)]) for x, y in value.to_primary_keys().items()]) ) else: value = repr(value) field_reprs.append('='.join((key, value))) return '<%s(%s)>' % ( self.__class__.__registry_name__, ', '.join(field_reprs) ) @classmethod def define_table_args(cls): return () @classmethod def define_mapper_args(cls): return {} @classmethod def get_all_registry_names(cls): models = list(cls.__depends__) models.insert(0, cls.__registry_name__) return models
[docs] @classmethod def query(cls, *elements): """ Facility to do a SqlAlchemy query:: query = MyModel.query() is equal at:: query = self.registry.session.query(MyModel) :param elements: pass at the SqlAlchemy query, if the element is a string then thet are see as field of the model :rtype: SqlAlchemy Query """ res = [] for f in elements: if isinstance(f, str): res.append(getattr(cls, f).label(f)) else: res.append(f) if res: query = cls.registry.query(*res) else: query = cls.registry.query(cls) query.set_Model(cls) return query
is_sql = True
[docs] @classmethod def aliased(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Facility to Apply an aliased on the model:: MyModelAliased = MyModel.aliased() is equal at:: from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased MyModelAliased = aliased(MyModel) :rtype: SqlAlchemy aliased of the model """ alias = aliased(cls, *args, **kwargs) alias.registry = alias._aliased_insp._target.registry return alias
[docs] @classmethod def get_where_clause_from_primary_keys(cls, **pks): """ return the where clause to find object from pks :param **pks: dict {primary_key: value, ...} :rtype: where clause :exception: SqlBaseException """ _pks = cls.get_primary_keys() for pk in _pks: if pk not in pks: raise SqlBaseException("No primary key %s filled for %r" % ( pk, cls.__registry_name__)) return [getattr(cls, k) == v for k, v in pks.items()]
[docs] @classmethod def from_primary_keys(cls, **pks): """ return the instance of the model from the primary keys :param **pks: dict {primary_key: value, ...} :rtype: instance of the model """ where_clause = cls.get_where_clause_from_primary_keys(**pks) query = cls.query().filter(*where_clause) if query.count(): return query.first() return None
[docs] @classmethod def from_multi_primary_keys(cls, *pks): """ return the instances of the model from the primary keys :param *pks: list of dict [{primary_key: value, ...}] :rtype: instances of the model """ where_clause = [] for _pks in pks: where_clause.append(cls.get_where_clause_from_primary_keys(**_pks)) if not where_clause: return [] where_clause = or_(*[and_(*x) for x in where_clause]) query = cls.query().filter(where_clause) if query.count(): return query.all() return []
[docs] def to_primary_keys(self): """ return the primary keys and values for this instance :rtype: dict {primary key: value, ...} """ pks = self.get_primary_keys() return {x: getattr(self, x) for x in pks}
[docs] @classmethod_cache() def get_primary_keys(cls): """ return the name of the primary keys of the model :type: list of the primary keys name """ C = cls.registry.System.Column query = C.query() query = query.filter(C.model.in_(cls.get_all_registry_names())) query = query.filter(C.primary_key == true()) return query.all().name
@classmethod_cache() def _fields_description(cls): """ Return the information of the Field, Column, RelationShip """ Field = cls.registry.System.Field res = {} for registry_name in cls.__depends__: query = Field.query().filter(Field.model == registry_name) res.update({ x._description() for x in query.all()}) query = Field.query().filter(Field.model == cls.__registry_name__) res.update({ x._description() for x in query.all()}) return res @classmethod def fields_description(cls, fields=None): res = cls._fields_description() if fields: return {x: y for x, y in res.items() if x in fields} return res
[docs] @classmethod_cache() def get_hybrid_property_columns(cls): """Return the hybrid properties columns name from the Model and the inherited model if they come from polymorphisme """ hybrid_property_columns = cls.hybrid_property_columns if 'polymorphic_identity' in cls.__mapper_args__: pks = cls.get_primary_keys() fd = cls.fields_description(*pks) for pk in pks: if fd[pk].get('model'): Model = cls.registry.get(fd[pk]['model']) hybrid_property_columns.extend( Model.get_hybrid_property_columns()) return hybrid_property_columns
def _format_field(self, field): related_fields = None if isinstance(field, (tuple, list)): if len(field) == 1: related_fields = () elif len(field) == 2: related_fields = field[1] if related_fields is None: related_fields = () elif not isinstance(related_fields, (tuple, list)): raise SqlBaseException("%r the related fields wanted " "must be a tuple or empty or " "None value" % related_fields) else: raise SqlBaseException("%r the number of argument is " "wrong, waiting 1 or 2 arguments " "(name of the relation[, (related " "fields)])" % (field,)) field = field[0] return field, related_fields
[docs] def to_dict(self, *fields): """ Transform a record to the dict of value :param fields: list of fields to put in dict; if not selected, fields then take them all. A field is either one of these: * a string (which is the name of the field) * a 2-tuple if the field is a relationship (name of the field, tuple of foreign model fields) :rtype: dict Here are some examples:: =>> instance.to_dict() # get all fields {"id": 1, "column1": "value 1", "column2": "value 2", "column3": "value 3", "relation1": {"relation_pk_1": 42, "relation_pk_2": "also 42"} # m2o or o2o : this is a dictionary "relation2": [{"id": 28}, {"id": 1}, {"id": 34}] # o2m or m2m : this is a list of dictionaries } =>> instance.to_dict("column1", "column2", "relation1") # get selected fields only (without any constraints) {"column1": "value 1", "column2": "value 2", "relation1": {"relation_pk_1": 42, "relation_pk_2": "also 42"} } =>> instance.to_dict("column1", "column2", ( # select fields to use in the relation related model "relation1", ("relation_pk1", "name", "value") # there is no constraints in the choice of fields )) {"column1": "value", "column2": "value", "relation1": {"relation_pk_1": 42, "name": "H2G2", "value": "42"} } =>> instance.to_dict("column1", "column2", ("relation1", )) # or =>> instance.to_dict("column1", "column2", ("relation1", None)) # or =>> instance.to_dict("column1", "column2", ("relation1", ())) # select all the fields of the relation ship {"column1": "value", "column2": "value", "relation1": {"relation_pk_1": 42, "name": "H2G2", "value": "42"} } =>> instance.to_dict("column1", "column2", ( # select relation fields recursively "relation1", ("name", "value", ( "relation", ("a", "b", "c") )) )) {"column1": "value", "column2": "value", "relation1": {"name": "H2G2", "value": "42", "relation": [ {"a": 10, "b": 20, "c": 30}, {"a": 11, "b": 22, "c": 33}, ]} } """ result = {} cls = self.__class__ fields = fields if fields else cls.fields_description().keys() for field in fields: # if field is ("relation_name", ("list", "of", "relation", # "fields")), deal with it. field, related_fields = self._format_field(field) # Get the actual data field_value, field_property = getattr(self, field), None try: field_property = getattr(getattr(cls, field), 'property', None) except FieldException: pass # Deal with this data if field_property is None: # it is the case of field function (hyprid property) result[field] = field_value elif field_value is None or type(field_property) == ColumnProperty: # If value is None, then do not go any further whatever # the column property tells you. result[field] = field_value else: # it is should be RelationshipProperty if related_fields is None: # If there is no field list to the relation, # use only primary keys related_fields = field_property.mapper.entity related_fields = related_fields.get_primary_keys() # One2One, One2Many, Many2One or Many2Many ? if field_property.uselist: result[field] = [r.to_dict(*related_fields) for r in field_value] else: result[field] = field_value.to_dict(*related_fields) return result
[docs] @classmethod_cache() def getFieldType(cls, name): """Return the type of the column :: TheModel.getFieldType(nameOfTheColumn) this method take care if it is a polymorphic model or not :param name: name of the column :rtype: String, the name of the Type of column used """ Field = cls.registry.System.Field query = Field.query() query = query.filter( == name) query = query.filter(Field.model.in_(cls.get_all_registry_names())) query = query.limit(1) return
@classmethod_cache() def find_remote_attribute_to_expire(cls, *fields): res = uniquedict() _fields = [] _fields.extend(fields) model = get_model_information(cls.registry, cls.__registry_name__) while _fields: field = _fields.pop() field = field if isinstance(field, str) else _field = model[field] if isinstance(_field, (Column, FakeColumn)): _fields.extend(x for x, y in model.items() if (isinstance(y, RelationShip) and not isinstance(y, Many2Many)) for mapper in y.column_names if mapper.attribute_name == field) if isinstance(_field, Column) and _field.foreign_key: rmodel = cls.registry.loaded_namespaces_first_step[ _field.foreign_key.model_name] for rc in [x for x, y in rmodel.items() if isinstance(y, RelationShip) for mapper in y.remote_columns if mapper.attribute_name == field]: rfield = rmodel[rc] if isinstance(rfield, FakeRelationShip): res.add_in_res(rfield.mapper.attribute_name, [rc]) elif (isinstance(rfield, RelationShip) and 'backref' in rfield.kwargs): res.add_in_res( rfield.kwargs['backref'][0], [rc]) elif (isinstance(_field, RelationShip) and not isinstance(_field, Many2Many) and 'backref' in _field.kwargs): res.add_in_res(field, [_field.kwargs['backref'][0]]) elif isinstance(_field, FakeRelationShip): res.add_in_res(field, [_field.mapper.attribute_name]) return res
[docs] @classmethod_cache() def find_relationship(cls, *fields): """ Find column and relation ship link with the column or relationship passed in fields. :param *fields: lists of the attribute name :rtype: list of the attribute name of the attribute and relation ship """ res = [] _fields = [] _fields.extend(fields) model = get_model_information(cls.registry, cls.__registry_name__) while _fields: field = _fields.pop() if not isinstance(field, str): field = if field in res: continue _field = model[field] res.append(field) if isinstance(_field, (Column, FakeColumn)): _fields.extend(x for x, y in model.items() if (isinstance(y, RelationShip) and not isinstance(y, Many2Many)) for mapper in y.column_names if mapper.attribute_name == field) elif (isinstance(_field, RelationShip) and not isinstance(_field, Many2Many)): for mapper in _field.column_names: _fields.append(mapper.attribute_name) return res
def get_model_information(registry, registry_name): model = registry.loaded_namespaces_first_step[registry_name] for depend in model['__depends__']: if depend != registry_name: for x, y in get_model_information(registry, depend).items(): if x not in model: model[x] = y return model
[docs]@Declarations.register(Declarations.Core) class SqlBase(SqlMixin): """ this class is inherited by all the SQL model """
[docs] def get_modified_fields(self): """return the fields which have changed and their previous values""" state = object_state(self) modified_fields = {} for attr in state.manager.attributes: if not hasattr(attr.impl, 'get_history'): continue added, unmodified, deleted = attr.impl.get_history( state, state.dict) if added or deleted: field = attr.key if field.startswith(anyblok_column_prefix): field = field[len(anyblok_column_prefix):] modified_fields[field] = deleted[0] if deleted else None return modified_fields
[docs] def update(self, **values): """ Hight livel method to update the session for the instance :: self.update(val1=.., val2= ...) ..warning:: the columns and values is passed as named arguments to show a difference with Query.update meth """ for x, v in values.items(): setattr(self, x, v) return 1 if values else 0
[docs] def expire_relationship_mapped(self, mappers): """ Expire the objects linked with this object, in function of the mappers definition """ for field_name, rfields in mappers.items(): fields = getattr(self, field_name) if not isinstance(fields, list): fields = [fields] for field in fields: if field is not None: field.expire(*rfields)
[docs] def refresh(self, *fields): """ Expire and reload all the attribute of the instance See: #sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session.refresh """ self.registry.refresh(self, fields)
[docs] def expunge(self): """Expunge the instance in the session""" self.registry.session.expunge(self)
[docs] def expire(self, *fields): """ Expire the attribute of the instance, theses attributes will be load at the next call of the instance see: #sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session.expire """ self.registry.expire(self, fields)
[docs] def delete(self, byquery=False, flush=True): """ Call the SqlAlchemy Query.delete method on the instance of the model:: self.delete() is equal at:: flush the session remove the instance of the session and expire all the session, to reload the relation ship """ if byquery: cls = self.__class__ cls.query().filter(*cls.get_where_clause_from_primary_keys( **self.to_primary_keys())).delete() self.expunge() else: model = self.registry.loaded_namespaces_first_step[ self.__registry_name__] fields = model.keys() mappers = self.__class__.find_remote_attribute_to_expire(*fields) self.expire_relationship_mapped(mappers) self.registry.session.delete(self) if flush: self.registry.flush()
[docs] @classmethod def insert(cls, **kwargs): """ Insert in the table of the model:: MyModel.insert(...) is equal at:: mymodel = MyModel(...) MyModel.registry.session.add(mymodel) MyModel.registry.flush() """ instance = cls(**kwargs) cls.registry.add(instance) cls.registry.flush() return instance
[docs] @classmethod def multi_insert(cls, *args): """ Insert in the table one or more entry of the model:: MyModel.multi_insert([{...}, ...]) the flush will be done only one time at the end of the insert :exception: SqlBaseException """ instances = cls.registry.InstrumentedList() for kwargs in args: if not isinstance(kwargs, dict): raise SqlBaseException("multi_insert method wait list of dict") instance = cls(**kwargs) cls.registry.add(instance) instances.append(instance) if instances: cls.registry.flush() return instances