Source code for anyblok.column

# This file is a part of the AnyBlok project
#    Copyright (C) 2016 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
#    Copyright (C) 2017 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
# obtain one at
from .field import Field, FieldException
from .mapper import ModelAttributeAdapter
from sqlalchemy.schema import Sequence as SA_Sequence, Column as SA_Column
from sqlalchemy import types, CheckConstraint
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.color import ColorType
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.encrypted.encrypted_type import EncryptedType
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.password import PasswordType, Password as SAU_PWD
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.uuid import UUIDType
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.url import URLType
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.phone_number import PhoneNumberType
from import EmailType
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.scalar_coercible import ScalarCoercible
from datetime import datetime, date
from dateutil.parser import parse
from inspect import ismethod
from anyblok.config import Configuration
import time
import pytz
import decimal
from logging import getLogger
from hashlib import md5

pycountry = None
python_pycountry_type = None
    import pycountry
    if not pycountry.countries._is_loaded:

    python_pycountry_type = pycountry.countries.data_class
except ImportError:

logger = getLogger(__name__)

def wrap_default(registry, namespace, default_val):

    def wrapper():
        Model = registry.get(namespace)
        if hasattr(Model, default_val):
            func = getattr(Model, default_val)
            if ismethod(func):
                if default_val not in Model.loaded_columns:
                    if default_val not in Model.loaded_fields:
                        return func()
                        logger.warn("On a Model %r the attribute %r is "
                                    "declared as a default value, a field "
                                    "with the same name exist" % (namespace,
                    logger.warn("On a Model %r the attribute %r is declared "
                                "as a default value, a column with the same "
                                "name exist" % (namespace, default_val))
                logger.warn("On a Model %r the attribute %r is declared as a "
                            "default value, a instance method with the same "
                            "name exist" % (namespace, default_val))

        return default_val

    return wrapper

class ColumnDefaultValue:

    def __init__(self, callable):
        self.callable = callable

    def get_default_callable(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties):
        return self.callable(registry, namespace, fieldname, properties)

class NoDefaultValue:

[docs]class Column(Field): """ Column class This class can't be instanciated """ use_hybrid_property = True foreign_key = None sqlalchemy_type = None type = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the column :param label: label of this field :type label: str """ self.forbid_instance(Column) assert self.sqlalchemy_type self.sequence = None if 'type_' in kwargs: del kwargs['type_'] if 'foreign_key' in kwargs: self.foreign_key = ModelAttributeAdapter(kwargs.pop('foreign_key')) if 'sequence' in kwargs: self.sequence = SA_Sequence(kwargs.pop('sequence')) self.db_column_name = None if 'db_column_name' in kwargs: self.db_column_name = kwargs.pop('db_column_name') self.default_val = NoDefaultValue if 'default' in kwargs: self.default_val = kwargs.pop('default') self.encrypt_key = kwargs.pop('encrypt_key', None) super(Column, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def autodoc_get_properties(self): res = super(Column, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['foreign_key'] = self.foreign_key res['DB column name'] = self.db_column_name res['default'] = self.default_val res['is crypted'] = True if self.encrypt_key else False return res autodoc_omit_property_values = Field.autodoc_omit_property_values.union(( ('foreign_key', None), ('DB column name', None), ('default', None), ('is crypted', False), ))
[docs] def native_type(cls): """ Return the native SqlAlchemy type """ return cls.sqlalchemy_type
def format_foreign_key(self, registry, args, kwargs): if self.foreign_key: args = args + (self.foreign_key.get_fk(registry),) kwargs['info'].update({ 'foreign_key': self.foreign_key.get_fk_name(registry), 'remote_model': self.foreign_key.model_name, }) return args
[docs] def get_sqlalchemy_mapping(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): """ Return the instance of the real field :param registry: current registry :param namespace: name of the model :param fieldname: name of the field :param properties: known properties of the model :rtype: sqlalchemy column instance """ self.format_label(fieldname) args = self.args kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() if 'info' not in kwargs: kwargs['info'] = {} args = self.format_foreign_key(registry, args, kwargs) kwargs['info']['label'] = self.label if self.sequence: args = (self.sequence,) + args if self.db_column_name: db_column_name = self.db_column_name else: db_column_name = fieldname if self.default_val is not NoDefaultValue: if isinstance(self.default_val, str): kwargs['default'] = wrap_default(registry, namespace, self.default_val) elif isinstance(self.default_val, ColumnDefaultValue): kwargs['default'] = self.default_val.get_default_callable( registry, namespace, fieldname, properties) else: kwargs['default'] = self.default_val sqlalchemy_type = self.sqlalchemy_type if self.encrypt_key: encrypt_key = self.format_encrypt_key(registry, namespace) sqlalchemy_type = EncryptedType(sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key) return SA_Column(db_column_name, sqlalchemy_type, *args, **kwargs)
def format_encrypt_key(self, registry, namespace): encrypt_key = self.encrypt_key if encrypt_key is True: encrypt_key = Configuration.get('default_encrypt_key') if not encrypt_key: raise FieldException("No encrypt_key define in the " "configuration") def wrapper(): Model = registry.get(namespace) if hasattr(Model, encrypt_key): func = getattr(Model, encrypt_key) if ismethod(func): if encrypt_key not in Model.loaded_columns: if encrypt_key not in Model.loaded_fields: return func() return encrypt_key return wrapper
[docs] def must_be_declared_as_attr(self): """ Return True if the column have a foreign key to a remote column """ if self.foreign_key is not None: return True return False
[docs]class Integer(Column): """ Integer column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Integer @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Integer(default=1) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Integer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.kwargs.get('primary_key') is True: if 'autoincrement' not in self.kwargs: self.kwargs['autoincrement'] = True sqlalchemy_type = types.Integer
[docs]class BigInteger(Column): """ Big integer column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import BigInteger @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = BigInteger(default=1) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.BigInteger
[docs]class Boolean(Column): """ Boolean column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Boolean @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Boolean(default=True) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.Boolean
[docs]class Float(Column): """ Float column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Float @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Float(default=1.0) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.Float
[docs]class Decimal(Column): """ Decimal column :: from decimal import Decimal as D from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Decimal @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Decimal(default=D('1.1')) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.DECIMAL def setter_format_value(self, value): if value is not None: if not isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): value = decimal.Decimal(value) return value
[docs]class Date(Column): """ Date column :: from datetime import date from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Date @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Date( """ sqlalchemy_type = types.Date
def convert_string_to_datetime(value): if value is None: return None elif isinstance(value, datetime): return value elif isinstance(value, date): return datetime.combine(value, datetime.min.time()) elif isinstance(value, str): return parse(value) return value def add_timezone_on_datetime(dt, default_timezone): if dt is not None: if dt.tzinfo is None: dt = default_timezone.localize(dt) return dt class DateTimeType(types.TypeDecorator): impl = types.DateTime(timezone=True) def __init__(self, field): self.default_timezone = field.default_timezone self.field = field def process_bind_param(self, value, engine): value = convert_string_to_datetime(value) value = add_timezone_on_datetime(value, self.default_timezone) if self.field.encrypt_key: return value.isoformat() return value def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): if self.field.encrypt_key: return convert_string_to_datetime(value) return value @property def python_type(self): return datetime
[docs]class DateTime(Column): """ DateTime column :: from datetime import datetime from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import DateTime @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = DateTime( """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.auto_update = kwargs.pop('auto_update', False) default_timezone = kwargs.pop( 'default_timezone', Configuration.get('default_timezone') ) if not default_timezone: default_timezone = time.tzname[0] if isinstance(default_timezone, str): default_timezone = pytz.timezone(default_timezone) self.default_timezone = default_timezone self.sqlalchemy_type = DateTimeType(self) super(DateTime, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def setter_format_value(self, value): value = convert_string_to_datetime(value) return add_timezone_on_datetime(value, self.default_timezone) def autodoc_get_properties(self): res = super(Column, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['is auto updated'] = self.auto_update if self.default_timezone: res['default timezone'] = self.default_timezone return res
[docs]class Time(Column): """ Time column :: from datetime import time from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Time @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Time(default=time()) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.Time
[docs]class Interval(Column): """ Datetime interval column :: from datetime import timedelta from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Interval @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Interval(default=timedelta(days=5)) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.Interval
class StringType(types.TypeDecorator): impl = types.String def process_bind_param(self, value, engine): if value is False: value = '' return value def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): return value
[docs]class String(Column): """ String column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import String @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = String(default='test') """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.size = kwargs.pop('size', 64) kwargs.pop('type_', None) self.sqlalchemy_type = StringType(self.size) super(String, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def autodoc_get_properties(self): res = super(String, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['size'] = self.size return res
[docs]class Password(Column): """ String column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Password @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Password(crypt_context={'schemes': ['md5_crypt']}) ========================================= test = Test.insert() test.x = 'mypassword' test.x ==> Password object with encrypt value, the value can not be read test.x == 'mypassword' ==> True ..warning:: the column type Password can not be querying:: Test.query().filter(Test.x == 'mypassword').count() ==> 0 """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): size = kwargs.pop('size', 64) crypt_context = kwargs.pop('crypt_context', {}) self.crypt_context = crypt_context kwargs.pop('type_', None) if 'foreign_key' in kwargs: raise FieldException("Column Password can not have a foreign key") self.sqlalchemy_type = PasswordType(max_length=size, **crypt_context) super(Password, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def setter_format_value(self, value): value = self.sqlalchemy_type.context.encrypt(value).encode('utf8') value = SAU_PWD(value, context=self.sqlalchemy_type.context) return value def autodoc_get_properties(self): res = super(Password, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['Crypt context'] = self.crypt_context return res
class TextType(types.TypeDecorator): impl = types.Text def process_bind_param(self, value, engine): if value is False: value = '' return value def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): return value
[docs]class Text(Column): """ Text column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Text @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Text(default='test') """ sqlalchemy_type = TextType
[docs]class StrSelection(str): """ Class representing the data of one column Selection """ selections = {} registry = None namespace = None def get_selections(self): if isinstance(self.selections, dict): return self.selections if isinstance(self.selections, str): m = self.registry.get(self.namespace) return dict(getattr(m, self.selections)()) def validate(self): a = super(StrSelection, self).__str__() return a in self.get_selections().keys() @property def label(self): a = super(StrSelection, self).__str__() return self.get_selections()[a]
[docs]class SelectionType(types.TypeDecorator): """ Generic type for Column Selection """ impl = types.String def __init__(self, selections, size, registry=None, namespace=None): super(SelectionType, self).__init__(length=size) self.size = size if isinstance(selections, (dict, str)): self.selections = selections elif isinstance(selections, (list, tuple)): self.selections = dict(selections) else: raise FieldException( "selection wainting 'dict', get %r" % type(selections)) if isinstance(self.selections, dict): for k in self.selections.keys(): if not isinstance(k, str): raise FieldException('The key must be a str') if len(k) > 64: raise Exception( '%r is too long %r, waiting max %s or use size arg' % ( k, len(k), size)) self._StrSelection = type('StrSelection', (StrSelection,), {'selections': self.selections, 'registry': registry, 'namespace': namespace}) @property def python_type(self): return self._StrSelection
[docs] def process_bind_param(self, value, engine): if value is not None: value = self.python_type(value) return value
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): return value
[docs]class Selection(Column): """ Selection column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Selection @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: STATUS = ( (u'draft', u'Draft'), (u'done', u'Done'), ) x = Selection(selections=STATUS, size=64, default=u'draft') """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.selections = tuple() if 'selections' in kwargs: self.selections = kwargs.pop('selections') self.size = kwargs.pop('size', 64) self.sqlalchemy_type = 'tmp value for assert' super(Selection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def autodoc_get_properties(self): res = super(Selection, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['selections'] = self.selections res['size'] = self.size return res def getter_format_value(self, value): if value is None: return None return self.sqlalchemy_type.python_type(value) def setter_format_value(self, value): if value is not None: val = self.sqlalchemy_type.python_type(value) if not val.validate(): raise FieldException('%r is not in the selections (%s)' % ( value, ', '.join(val.get_selections()))) return value
[docs] def get_sqlalchemy_mapping(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): self.sqlalchemy_type = SelectionType( self.selections, self.size, registry=registry, namespace=namespace) return super(Selection, self).get_sqlalchemy_mapping( registry, namespace, fieldname, properties)
def update_description(self, registry, model, res): super(Selection, self).update_description(registry, model, res) sqlalchemy_type = SelectionType( self.selections, self.size, registry=registry, namespace=model) values = sqlalchemy_type._StrSelection().get_selections() res['selections'] = [(k, v) for k, v in values.items()]
[docs] def must_be_duplicate_before_added(self): """ Return True because the field selection in a mixin must be copied else the selection method can be wrond """ if isinstance(self.selections, str): return True else: return False
[docs] def update_properties(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): super(Selection, self).update_properties(registry, namespace, fieldname, properties) self.fieldname = fieldname properties['add_in_table_args'].append(self)
[docs] def update_table_args(self, Model): """return check constraint to limit the value""" selections = self.sqlalchemy_type.selections if isinstance(selections, dict): enum = selections.keys() else: enum = getattr(Model, selections)() if isinstance(enum, (list, tuple)): enum = dict(enum) enum = enum.keys() if len(enum) > 1: constraint = """"%s" in ('%s')""" % ( self.fieldname, "', '".join(enum)) elif enum: constraint = """"%s" = '%s'""" % (self.fieldname, list(enum)[0]) else: constraint = None if constraint: enum = list(enum) enum.sort() key = md5() key.update(str(enum).encode('utf-8')) name = self.fieldname + '_' + key.hexdigest() + '_types' return [CheckConstraint(constraint, name=name)] return []
[docs]class Json(Column): """ JSON column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Json @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Json() """ sqlalchemy_type = types.JSON(none_as_null=True)
[docs]class LargeBinary(Column): """ Large binary column :: from os import urandom from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import LargeBinary blob = urandom(100000) @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = LargeBinary(default=blob) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.LargeBinary
class Sequence(String): """ Sequence column :: from anyblok.column import Sequence @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Sequence() """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'foreign_key' in kwargs: raise FieldException("Sequence column can not define a foreign key" " %r" % kwargs['foreign_key']) if 'default' in kwargs: raise FieldException("Sequence column can not define a default " "value") kwargs['default'] = ColumnDefaultValue(self.wrap_default) self.code = kwargs.pop('code') if 'code' in kwargs else None self.formater = kwargs.pop( 'formater') if 'formater' in kwargs else None super(Sequence, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def autodoc_get_properties(self): res = super(Sequence, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['formater'] = self.formater return res def wrap_default(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): if not hasattr(registry, '_need_sequence_to_create_if_not_exist'): registry._need_sequence_to_create_if_not_exist = [] elif registry._need_sequence_to_create_if_not_exist is None: registry._need_sequence_to_create_if_not_exist = [] code = self.code if self.code else "%s=>%s" % (namespace, fieldname) registry._need_sequence_to_create_if_not_exist.append( {'code': code, 'formater': self.formater}) def default_value(): return registry.System.Sequence.nextvalBy(code=code) return default_value
[docs]class Color(Column): """Color column. `See coulour pakage <>`_ :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Color @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Color(default='green') """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.max_length = max_length = kwargs.pop('size', 20) kwargs.pop('type_', None) self.sqlalchemy_type = ColorType(max_length) super(Color, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def setter_format_value(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): value = self.sqlalchemy_type.python_type(value) return value def autodoc_get_properties(self): res = super(Color, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['size'] = self.max_length return res
class UUID(Column): """ UUID column :: from anyblok.column import UUID @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = UUID() """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): uuid_kwargs = {} self.binary = None self.native = None for kwarg in ('binary', 'native'): if kwarg in kwargs: uuid_kwargs[kwarg] = kwargs.pop(kwarg) setattr(self, kwarg, uuid_kwargs[kwarg]) self.sqlalchemy_type = UUIDType(**uuid_kwargs) super(UUID, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def autodoc_get_properties(self): res = super(UUID, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['binary'] = self.binary res['native'] = self.native return res class URL(Column): """ URL column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import URL @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = URL(default='') """ sqlalchemy_type = URLType def setter_format_value(self, value): from furl import furl if value is not None: if isinstance(value, str): value = furl(value) return value
[docs]class PhoneNumber(Column): """ PhoneNumber column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import PhoneNumber @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = PhoneNumber(default='+120012301') .. note:: ``phonenumbers`` >= **8.9.5** distribution is required """ def __init__(self, region='FR', max_length=20, *args, **kwargs): self.region = region self.max_length = max_length kwargs.pop('type_', None) self.sqlalchemy_type = PhoneNumberType( region=region, max_length=max_length) super(PhoneNumber, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def setter_format_value(self, value): if value and isinstance(value, str): value = self.sqlalchemy_type.python_type(value, self.region) return value def autodoc_get_properties(self): res = super(PhoneNumber, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['region'] = self.region res['max_length'] = self.max_length return res
[docs]class Email(Column): """ Email column :: from anyblok.column import Email @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Email() """ sqlalchemy_type = EmailType def setter_format_value(self, value): if value is not None: return value.lower() return value
class CountryType(types.TypeDecorator, ScalarCoercible): """ Generic type for Column Country """ impl = types.Unicode(3) python_type = python_pycountry_type def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): if value and isinstance(value, self.python_type): return value.alpha_3 return value def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): if value: return pycountry.countries.get(alpha_3=value) return value def _coerce(self, value): if value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.python_type): return pycountry.countries.get(alpha_3=value) return value
[docs]class Country(Column): """Country column. :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Country from pycountry import countries @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Country(default=countries.get(alpha_2='FR')) """ sqlalchemy_type = CountryType def __init__(self, mode='alpha_2', *args, **kwargs): self.mode = mode if pycountry is None: raise FieldException( "'pycountry' package is required for use 'CountryType'") self.choices = {getattr(country, mode): for country in pycountry.countries} super(Country, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def setter_format_value(self, value): if value and not isinstance(value, self.sqlalchemy_type.python_type): value = pycountry.countries.get( **{ self.mode: value, 'default': pycountry.countries.lookup(value) }) return value def autodoc_get_properties(self): res = super(Country, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['mode'] = self.mode res['choices'] = self.choices return res
[docs] def update_properties(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): super(Country, self).update_properties(registry, namespace, fieldname, properties) self.fieldname = fieldname properties['add_in_table_args'].append(self)
[docs] def update_table_args(self, Model): """return check constraint to limit the value""" enum = [country.alpha_3 for country in pycountry.countries] constraint = """"%s" in ('%s')""" % (self.fieldname, "', '".join(enum)) enum.sort() key = md5() key.update(str(enum).encode('utf-8')) name = self.fieldname + '_' + key.hexdigest() + '_types' return [CheckConstraint(constraint, name=name)]