Source code for anyblok.model.hybrid_method

# This file is a part of the AnyBlok project
#    Copyright (C) 2017 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
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from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_method
from .plugins import ModelPluginBase

[docs]class HybridMethodPlugin(ModelPluginBase):
[docs] def initialisation_tranformation_properties(self, properties, transformation_properties): """ Initialise the transform properties: hybrid_method :param properties: the properties declared in the model :param new_type_properties: param to add in a new base if need """ if 'hybrid_method' not in transformation_properties: transformation_properties['hybrid_method'] = []
[docs] def transform_base_attribute(self, attr, method, namespace, base, transformation_properties, new_type_properties): """ Find the sqlalchemy hybrid methods in the base to save the namespace and the method in the registry :param attr: attribute name :param method: method pointer of the attribute :param namespace: the namespace of the model :param base: One of the base of the model :param transformation_properties: the properties of the model :param new_type_properties: param to add in a new base if need """ if not hasattr(method, 'is_an_hybrid_method'): return elif method.is_an_hybrid_method is True: if attr not in transformation_properties['hybrid_method']: transformation_properties['hybrid_method'].append(attr)
[docs] def insert_in_bases(self, new_base, namespace, properties, transformation_properties): """ Create overload to define the write declaration of sqlalchemy hybrid method, add the overload in the declared bases of the namespace :param new_base: the base to be put on front of all bases :param namespace: the namespace of the model :param properties: the properties declared in the model :param transformation_properties: the properties of the model """ type_properties = {} def apply_wrapper(attr): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): self_ = self.registry.loaded_namespaces[self.__registry_name__] if self is self_: return getattr(super(new_base, self), attr)( self, *args, **kwargs) elif hasattr(self, '_aliased_insp'): return getattr(super(new_base, self._aliased_insp._target), attr)(self, *args, **kwargs) else: return getattr(super(new_base, self), attr)( *args, **kwargs) setattr(new_base, attr, hybrid_method(wrapper)) if transformation_properties['hybrid_method']: for attr in transformation_properties['hybrid_method']: apply_wrapper(attr) return type_properties