Source code for anyblok.column

# This file is a part of the AnyBlok project
#    Copyright (C) 2016 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
#    Copyright (C) 2017 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
#    Copyright (C) 2019 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
#    Copyright (C) 2020 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
# obtain one at
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from .field import Field, FieldException
from .mapper import ModelAttributeAdapter, ModelAttribute
from sqlalchemy.schema import Sequence as SA_Sequence, Column as SA_Column
from sqlalchemy import types, CheckConstraint
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.color import ColorType
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.encrypted.encrypted_type import StringEncryptedType
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.password import PasswordType, Password as SAU_PWD
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.uuid import UUIDType
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.url import URLType
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.phone_number import PhoneNumberType
from import EmailType
from sqlalchemy_utils.types.scalar_coercible import ScalarCoercible
from sqlalchemy_utils import JSONType
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
from dateutil.parser import parse
from inspect import ismethod
from anyblok.config import Configuration
from .common import sgdb_in
from json import dumps, loads
import time
import pytz
import decimal
from logging import getLogger
from hashlib import md5

pycountry = None
python_pycountry_type = None
    import pycountry
    if not pycountry.countries._is_loaded:

    python_pycountry_type = pycountry.countries.data_class
except ImportError:

logger = getLogger(__name__)

def wrap_default(registry, namespace, default_val):
    """Return default wrapper

    :param registry: the current registry
    :param namespace: the namespace of the model
    :param default_val:
    :return: default wrapper
    def wrapper():
        """Return wrapper

        :return: default val
        Model = registry.get(namespace)
        if hasattr(Model, default_val):
            func = getattr(Model, default_val)
            if ismethod(func):
                if default_val not in Model.loaded_columns:
                    if default_val not in Model.loaded_fields:
                        return func()
                            "The attribute %r is already declared as a default "
                            "value on the Model %r, a field with the same name "
                            "already exists" % (default_val, namespace))
                        "The attribute %r is already declared as a default "
                        "value on the Model %r, a column with the same name "
                        "already exists" % (default_val, namespace))
                    "The attribute %r is already declared as a default "
                    "value on the Model %r, an instance method with the same "
                    "name already exists" % (default_val, namespace))

        return default_val

    return wrapper

class ColumnDefaultValue:

    def __init__(self, callable):
        self.callable = callable

    def get_default_callable(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties):
        """Get default callable

        :param registry: the current registry
        :param namespace: the namespace of the model
        :param fieldname: the fieldname of the model
        :param properties: the properties of the model
        :return: default callable
        return self.callable(registry, namespace, fieldname, properties)

class CompareType:

    comparators = []

    def default_comparator(cls, col1, type1, col2, type2):
        if type1.__class__ is not type2.__class__:
            raise FieldException(
                "You can't add a foreign key using columns with different "
                "types {model1!s}.{col1!s}` pointing to `{model2!s}.{col2!s}` "
                "have different types  {type1!r} -> {type2!r}".format(

    def add_comparator(cls, type1, type2):

        def wrapper(funct):
            cls.comparators.append((type1, type2, funct))
            return funct

        return wrapper

    def validate(cls, col1, type1, col2, type2):
        for (cls1, cls2, funct) in cls.comparators:
            if type1.__class__ is cls1 and type2.__class__ is cls2:
                funct(col1, type1, col2, type2)

        cls.default_comparator(col1, type1, col2, type2)

class NoDefaultValue:

[docs]class Column(Field): """Column class This class can't be instantiated """ use_hybrid_property = True foreign_key = None sqlalchemy_type = None type = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the column :param label: label of this field :type label: str """ self.forbid_instance(Column) assert self.sqlalchemy_type self.sequence = None if 'type_' in kwargs: del kwargs['type_'] if 'foreign_key' in kwargs: self.foreign_key = ModelAttributeAdapter(kwargs.pop('foreign_key')) if 'sequence' in kwargs: self.sequence = SA_Sequence(kwargs.pop('sequence')) self.db_column_name = None if 'db_column_name' in kwargs: self.db_column_name = kwargs.pop('db_column_name') self.default_val = NoDefaultValue if 'default' in kwargs: self.default_val = kwargs.pop('default') self.encrypt_key = kwargs.pop('encrypt_key', None) super(Column, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def autodoc_get_properties(self): """Return properties list for autodoc :return: autodoc properties """ res = super(Column, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['foreign_key'] = self.foreign_key res['DB column name'] = self.db_column_name res['default'] = self.default_val res['is crypted'] = True if self.encrypt_key else False return res
autodoc_omit_property_values = Field.autodoc_omit_property_values.union(( ('foreign_key', None), ('DB column name', None), ('default', None), ('is crypted', False), ))
[docs] def native_type(self, registry): """Return the native SqlAlchemy type :param registry: :rtype: sqlalchemy native type """ return self.sqlalchemy_type
[docs] def format_foreign_key(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, args, kwargs): """Format a foreign key :param registry: the current registry :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ if self.foreign_key: CompareType.validate( ModelAttribute(namespace, fieldname), self, self.foreign_key, self.foreign_key.get_type(registry) ) args = args + (self.foreign_key.get_fk(registry),) kwargs['info'].update({ 'foreign_key': self.foreign_key.get_fk_name(registry), 'remote_model': self.foreign_key.model_name, }) return args
[docs] def get_sqlalchemy_mapping(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): """Return the instance of the real field :param registry: current registry :param namespace: name of the model :param fieldname: name of the field :param properties: known properties of the model :rtype: sqlalchemy column instance """ self.format_label(fieldname) args = self.args kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() if 'info' not in kwargs: kwargs['info'] = {} args = self.format_foreign_key( registry, namespace, fieldname, args, kwargs) kwargs['info']['label'] = self.label if self.sequence: args = (self.sequence,) + args if self.db_column_name: db_column_name = self.db_column_name else: db_column_name = fieldname if self.default_val is not NoDefaultValue: if isinstance(self.default_val, str): kwargs['default'] = wrap_default(registry, namespace, self.default_val) elif isinstance(self.default_val, ColumnDefaultValue): kwargs['default'] = self.default_val.get_default_callable( registry, namespace, fieldname, properties) else: kwargs['default'] = self.default_val sqlalchemy_type = self.native_type(registry) if self.encrypt_key: encrypt_key = self.format_encrypt_key(registry, namespace) sqlalchemy_type = self.get_encrypt_key_type( registry, sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key) return SA_Column(db_column_name, sqlalchemy_type, *args, **kwargs)
def get_encrypt_key_type(self, registry, sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key): sqlalchemy_type = StringEncryptedType(sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key) if sgdb_in(registry.engine, ['MySQL', 'MariaDB']): sqlalchemy_type.impl = types.String(64) return sqlalchemy_type
[docs] def format_encrypt_key(self, registry, namespace): """Format and return the encyption key :param registry: the current registry :param namespace: the namespace of the model :return: encrypt key """ encrypt_key = self.encrypt_key if encrypt_key is True: encrypt_key = Configuration.get('default_encrypt_key') if not encrypt_key: raise FieldException( # pragma: no cover "No encrypt_key defined in the configuration") def wrapper(): """Return encrypt_key wrapper :return: """ Model = registry.get(namespace) if hasattr(Model, encrypt_key): func = getattr(Model, encrypt_key) if ismethod(func): if encrypt_key not in Model.loaded_columns: if encrypt_key not in Model.loaded_fields: return func() return encrypt_key return wrapper
[docs] def must_be_declared_as_attr(self): """Return True if the column have a foreign key to a remote column """ if self.foreign_key is not None: return True return False
[docs]class Integer(Column): """Integer column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Integer @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Integer(default=1) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Integer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.kwargs.get('primary_key') is True: if 'autoincrement' not in self.kwargs: self.kwargs['autoincrement'] = True sqlalchemy_type = types.Integer
[docs]class BigInteger(Column): """Big integer column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import BigInteger @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = BigInteger(default=1) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.BigInteger
[docs]class Boolean(Column): """Boolean column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Boolean @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Boolean(default=True) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.Boolean
[docs]class Float(Column): """Float column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Float @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Float(default=1.0) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.Float
""" Added *process_result_value* at the class *DECIMAL*, because this method is necessary for encrypt the column """ types.DECIMAL.process_result_value = lambda self, value, dialect: value
[docs]class Decimal(Column): """Decimal column :: from decimal import Decimal as D from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Decimal @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Decimal(default=D('1.1')) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.DECIMAL
[docs] def setter_format_value(self, value): """Format the given value to decimal if needed :param value: :return: decimal value """ if value is not None: if self.encrypt_key: value = str(value) elif not isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): value = decimal.Decimal(value) return value
def getter_format_value(self, value): if value is None: return None # pragma: no cover if self.encrypt_key: value = decimal.Decimal(value) return value
[docs]class Date(Column): """Date column :: from datetime import date from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Date @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Date( """ sqlalchemy_type = types.Date
def convert_string_to_datetime(value): """Convert a given value to datetime :param value: :return: datetime value """ if value is None: return None elif isinstance(value, datetime): return value elif isinstance(value, date): return datetime.combine(value, datetime.min.time()) elif isinstance(value, str): return parse(value) raise FieldException( "We can't convert this value %s to datetime") def add_timezone_on_datetime(dt, default_timezone): """Convert a datetime considering the default timezone :param dt: :param default_timezone: :return: """ if dt is not None: if dt.tzinfo is None: dt = default_timezone.localize(dt) return dt class DateTimeType(types.TypeDecorator): impl = types.DateTime(timezone=True) def __init__(self, field): self.default_timezone = field.default_timezone self.field = field def process_bind_param(self, value, engine): value = convert_string_to_datetime(value) value = add_timezone_on_datetime(value, self.default_timezone) if self.field.encrypt_key: return value.isoformat() return value def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): if self.field.encrypt_key: return convert_string_to_datetime(value) return value @property def python_type(self): return datetime # pragma: no cover
[docs]class DateTime(Column): """DateTime column :: from datetime import datetime from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import DateTime @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = DateTime( """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.auto_update = kwargs.pop('auto_update', False) default_timezone = kwargs.pop( 'default_timezone', Configuration.get('default_timezone') ) if not default_timezone: default_timezone = time.tzname[0] if isinstance(default_timezone, str): default_timezone = pytz.timezone(default_timezone) self.default_timezone = default_timezone self.sqlalchemy_type = DateTimeType(self) super(DateTime, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def setter_format_value(self, value): """Return converted and formatted value :param value: :return: """ value = convert_string_to_datetime(value) return add_timezone_on_datetime(value, self.default_timezone)
def getter_format_value(self, value): value = convert_string_to_datetime(value) return add_timezone_on_datetime(value, self.default_timezone)
[docs] def autodoc_get_properties(self): """Return properties for autodoc :return: autodoc properties """ res = super(Column, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['is auto updated'] = self.auto_update if self.default_timezone: res['default timezone'] = self.default_timezone return res
class TimeStamp(DateTime): """ TimeStamp column :: from datetime import datetime from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import DateTime @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = TimeStamp( """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TimeStamp, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sqlalchemy_type = types.TIMESTAMP(timezone=True) def getter_format_value(self, value): value = convert_string_to_datetime(value) return add_timezone_on_datetime(value, self.default_timezone)
[docs]class Time(Column): """Time column :: from datetime import time from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Time @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Time(default=time()) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.Time
[docs]class Interval(Column): """Datetime interval column :: from datetime import timedelta from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Interval @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Interval(default=timedelta(days=5)) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.Interval
[docs] def native_type(self, registry): if self.encrypt_key: return types.VARCHAR(1024) return self.sqlalchemy_type
def setter_format_value(self, value): if self.encrypt_key: value = dumps({ x: getattr(value, x) for x in ['days', 'seconds', 'microseconds']}) return value def getter_format_value(self, value): if self.encrypt_key: value = timedelta(**loads(value)) return value
class StringType(types.TypeDecorator): impl = types.String def process_bind_param(self, value, engine): if value is False: value = '' return value def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): return value
[docs]class String(Column): """String column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import String @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = String(default='test') """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.size = kwargs.pop('size', 64) kwargs.pop('type_', None) self.sqlalchemy_type = StringType(self.size) super(String, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def autodoc_get_properties(self): """Return properties for autodoc :return: autodoc properties """ res = super(String, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['size'] = self.size return res
def get_encrypt_key_type(self, registry, sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key): sqlalchemy_type = StringEncryptedType(sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key) if sgdb_in(registry.engine, ['MySQL', 'MariaDB']): sqlalchemy_type.impl = types.String(max(self.size, 64)) return sqlalchemy_type
class Enum(Column): """Enum column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Enum import enum class MyEnumClass(enum.Enum): one = 1 two = 2 three = 3 @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Enum(enum_cls=MyEnumClass, default='test') enum_cls should be an enum class """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.enum_cls = kwargs.pop('enum_cls') self.sqlalchemy_type = types.Enum(self.enum_cls) super(Enum, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def autodoc_get_properties(self): """Return properties for autodoc :return: autodoc properties """ res = super(Enum, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['enum_cls'] = repr(self.enum_cls) return res class MsSQLPasswordType(PasswordType): impl = types.VARCHAR(1024) def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect): return dialect.type_descriptor(types.VARCHAR(self.length))
[docs]class Password(Column): """String column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Password @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Password(crypt_context={'schemes': ['md5_crypt']}) ========================================= test = Test.insert() test.x = 'mypassword' test.x ==> Password object with encrypt value, the value can not be read test.x == 'mypassword' ==> True ..warning:: the column type Password can not be querying:: Test.query().filter(Test.x == 'mypassword').count() ==> 0 """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.size = kwargs.pop('size', 64) crypt_context = kwargs.pop('crypt_context', {}) self.crypt_context = crypt_context kwargs.pop('type_', None) if 'foreign_key' in kwargs: raise FieldException("Column Password can not have a foreign key") self.sqlalchemy_type = PasswordType( max_length=self.size, **crypt_context) super(Password, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def setter_format_value(self, value): """Return formatted value :param value: :return: """ value = self.sqlalchemy_type.context.hash(value).encode('utf8') value = SAU_PWD(value, context=self.sqlalchemy_type.context) return value
[docs] def native_type(self, registry): """ Return the native SqlAlchemy type """ if sgdb_in(registry.engine, ['MsSQL']): return MsSQLPasswordType(max_length=self.size, **self.crypt_context) return self.sqlalchemy_type
[docs] def autodoc_get_properties(self): """Return properties for autodoc :return: autodoc properties """ res = super(Password, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['size'] = self.size res['Crypt context'] = self.crypt_context return res
class TextType(types.TypeDecorator): impl = types.Text def process_bind_param(self, value, engine): if value is False: value = '' return value def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): return value
[docs]class Text(Column): """Text column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Text @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Text(default='test') """ sqlalchemy_type = TextType def get_encrypt_key_type(self, registry, sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key): sqlalchemy_type = StringEncryptedType(sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key) if sgdb_in(registry.engine, ['MySQL', 'MariaDB']): sqlalchemy_type.impl = types.Text() return sqlalchemy_type
[docs]class StrSelection(str): """Class representing the data of one column Selection """ selections = dumps({}) registry = None namespace = None
[docs] def get_selections(self): """Return a dict of selections :return: selections dict """ selections = loads(self.selections) if isinstance(selections, dict): return selections if isinstance(selections, str): m = self.registry.get(self.namespace) return dict(getattr(m, selections)())
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate if the key is in the selections :return: True or False """ a = super(StrSelection, self).__str__() return a in self.get_selections().keys()
@property def label(self): """Return the label corresponding to the selection key :return: """ a = super(StrSelection, self).__str__() return self.get_selections()[a]
[docs]class SelectionType(types.TypeDecorator): """Generic type for Column Selection """ impl = types.String def __init__(self, selections, size, registry=None, namespace=None): super(SelectionType, self).__init__(length=size) self.size = size if isinstance(selections, (dict, str)): self.selections = selections elif isinstance(selections, (list, tuple)): self.selections = dict(selections) else: raise FieldException( # pragma: no cover "selection wainting 'dict', get %r" % type(selections)) if isinstance(self.selections, dict): for k in self.selections.keys(): if not isinstance(k, str): raise FieldException('The key must be a str') if len(k) > 64: raise Exception( # pragma: no cover '%r is too long %r, waiting max %s or use size arg' % ( k, len(k), size)) self.selections = dumps(self.selections) self._StrSelection = type('StrSelection', (StrSelection,), {'selections': self.selections, 'registry': registry, 'namespace': namespace}) @property def python_type(self): return self._StrSelection
[docs] def process_bind_param(self, value, engine): if value is not None: value = self.python_type(value) return value
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): return value
[docs]class Selection(Column): """Selection column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Selection @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: STATUS = ( (u'draft', u'Draft'), (u'done', u'Done'), ) x = Selection(selections=STATUS, size=64, default=u'draft') """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.selections = tuple() if 'selections' in kwargs: self.selections = kwargs.pop('selections') self.size = kwargs.pop('size', 64) self.sqlalchemy_type = 'tmp value for assert' super(Selection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def autodoc_get_properties(self): """Return properties for autodoc :return: autodoc properties """ res = super(Selection, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['selections'] = self.selections res['size'] = self.size return res
[docs] def getter_format_value(self, value): """Return formatted value :param value: :return: """ if value is None: return None return self.sqlalchemy_type.python_type(value)
[docs] def setter_format_value(self, value): """Return value or raise exception if the given value is invalid :param value: :exception FieldException :return: """ if value is not None: val = self.sqlalchemy_type.python_type(value) if not val.validate(): raise FieldException('%r is not in the selections (%s)' % ( value, ', '.join(val.get_selections()))) return value
[docs] def get_sqlalchemy_mapping(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): """Return sqlalchmy mapping :param registry: the current registry :param namespace: the namespace of the model :param fieldname: the fieldname of the model :param properties: the properties of the model :return: instance of the real field """ self.sqlalchemy_type = SelectionType( self.selections, self.size, registry=registry, namespace=namespace) return super(Selection, self).get_sqlalchemy_mapping( registry, namespace, fieldname, properties)
[docs] def update_description(self, registry, model, res): """Update model description :param registry: the current registry :param model: :param res: """ super(Selection, self).update_description(registry, model, res) sqlalchemy_type = SelectionType( self.selections, self.size, registry=registry, namespace=model) values = sqlalchemy_type._StrSelection().get_selections() res['selections'] = [(k, v) for k, v in values.items()]
[docs] def must_be_copied_before_declaration(self): """Return True if selections is an instance of str. In the case of the field selection is a mixin, it must be copied or the selection method can fail """ if isinstance(self.selections, str): return True else: return False
[docs] def update_properties(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): """Update column properties :param registry: the current registry :param namespace: the namespace of the model :param fieldname: the fieldname of the model :param properties: the properties of the model """ super(Selection, self).update_properties(registry, namespace, fieldname, properties) self.fieldname = fieldname properties['add_in_table_args'].append(self)
[docs] def update_table_args(self, registry, Model): """Return check constraints to limit the value :param registry: :param Model: :return: list of checkConstraint """ if self.encrypt_key: # dont add constraint because the state is crypted and nobody # can add new entry return [] if sgdb_in(registry.engine, ['MariaDB', 'MsSQL']): # No check constraint in MariaDB return [] selections = loads(self.sqlalchemy_type.selections) if isinstance(selections, dict): enum = selections.keys() else: enum = getattr(Model, selections)() if isinstance(enum, (list, tuple)): enum = dict(enum) enum = enum.keys() if len(enum) > 1: constraint = """"%s" in ('%s')""" % ( self.fieldname, "', '".join(enum)) elif enum: constraint = """"%s" = '%s'""" % (self.fieldname, list(enum)[0]) else: constraint = None if constraint: enum = list(enum) enum.sort() key = md5() key.update(str(enum).encode('utf-8')) name = self.fieldname + '_' + key.hexdigest() + '_types' return [CheckConstraint(constraint, name=name)] return []
def get_encrypt_key_type(self, registry, sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key): sqlalchemy_type = StringEncryptedType(sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key) if sgdb_in(registry.engine, ['MySQL', 'MariaDB']): sqlalchemy_type.impl = types.String(max(self.size, 64)) return sqlalchemy_type
""" Added *process_result_value* at the class *JSON*, because this method is necessary for encrypt the column """ types.JSON.process_result_value = lambda self, value, dialect: value
[docs]class Json(Column): """JSON column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Json @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Json() """ sqlalchemy_type = types.JSON(none_as_null=True)
[docs] def native_type(self, registry): """ Return the native SqlAlchemy type """ if sgdb_in(registry.engine, ['MariaDB', 'MsSQL']): return JSONType return self.sqlalchemy_type
def setter_format_value(self, value): if self.encrypt_key: value = dumps(value) return value def getter_format_value(self, value): if value is None: return None if self.encrypt_key: value = loads(value) return value def get_encrypt_key_type(self, registry, sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key): sqlalchemy_type = StringEncryptedType(sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key) if sgdb_in(registry.engine, ['MySQL', 'MariaDB']): sqlalchemy_type.impl = types.Text() return sqlalchemy_type
[docs]class LargeBinary(Column): """Large binary column :: from os import urandom from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import LargeBinary blob = urandom(100000) @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = LargeBinary(default=blob) """ sqlalchemy_type = types.LargeBinary
[docs] def native_type(self, registry): if self.encrypt_key: return types.Text return self.sqlalchemy_type
def setter_format_value(self, value): if self.encrypt_key: value = b64encode(value).decode('utf-8') return value def getter_format_value(self, value): if self.encrypt_key: value = b64decode(value.encode('utf-8')) return value def get_encrypt_key_type(self, registry, sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key): sqlalchemy_type = StringEncryptedType(sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key) if sgdb_in(registry.engine, ['MySQL', 'MariaDB']): sqlalchemy_type.impl = types.Text() return sqlalchemy_type
class Sequence(String): """Sequence column :: from anyblok.column import Sequence @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Sequence() """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'foreign_key' in kwargs: raise FieldException("Sequence column can not define a foreign key" " %r" % kwargs['foreign_key']) if 'default' in kwargs: raise FieldException("Sequence column can not define a default " "value") kwargs['default'] = ColumnDefaultValue(self.wrap_default) self.code = kwargs.pop('code') if 'code' in kwargs else None self.start = kwargs.pop('start', 1) self.formater = kwargs.pop( 'formater') if 'formater' in kwargs else None super(Sequence, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def autodoc_get_properties(self): """Return properties for autodoc :return: autodoc properties """ res = super(Sequence, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['formater'] = self.formater return res def wrap_default(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): """Return default wrapper :param registry: the current registry :param namespace: the namespace of the model :param fieldname: the fieldname of the model :return: """ if not hasattr( registry, '_need_sequence_to_create_if_not_exist' ): # pragma: no cover registry._need_sequence_to_create_if_not_exist = [] elif registry._need_sequence_to_create_if_not_exist is None: registry._need_sequence_to_create_if_not_exist = [] code = self.code if self.code else "%s=>%s" % (namespace, fieldname) registry._need_sequence_to_create_if_not_exist.append( {'code': code, 'formater': self.formater, 'start': self.start}) def default_value(): """Return next sequence value :return: """ return registry.System.Sequence.nextvalBy(code=code) return default_value
[docs]class Color(Column): """Color column. `See colour package on pypi <>`_ :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Color @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Color(default='green') """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.max_length = max_length = kwargs.pop('size', 20) kwargs.pop('type_', None) self.sqlalchemy_type = ColorType(max_length) super(Color, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def setter_format_value(self, value): """Format the given value :param value: :return: """ if isinstance(value, str): value = self.sqlalchemy_type.python_type(value) return value
[docs] def autodoc_get_properties(self): """Return properties for autodoc :return: autodoc properties """ res = super(Color, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['size'] = self.max_length return res
def get_encrypt_key_type(self, registry, sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key): sqlalchemy_type = StringEncryptedType(sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key) if sgdb_in(registry.engine, ['MySQL', 'MariaDB']): sqlalchemy_type.impl = types.String(max(self.max_length, 64)) return sqlalchemy_type
class UUID(Column): """UUID column :: from anyblok.column import UUID @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = UUID() """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): uuid_kwargs = {} self.binary = None self.native = None for kwarg in ('binary', 'native'): if kwarg in kwargs: uuid_kwargs[kwarg] = kwargs.pop(kwarg) setattr(self, kwarg, uuid_kwargs[kwarg]) self.sqlalchemy_type = UUIDType(**uuid_kwargs) super(UUID, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def autodoc_get_properties(self): """Return properties for autodoc :return: autodoc properties """ res = super(UUID, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['binary'] = self.binary res['native'] = self.native return res class URL(Column): """URL column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import URL @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = URL(default='') """ sqlalchemy_type = URLType def setter_format_value(self, value): """Return formatted url value :param value: :return: """ from furl import furl if value is not None: if isinstance(value, str): value = furl(value) return value
[docs]class PhoneNumber(Column): """PhoneNumber column :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import PhoneNumber @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = PhoneNumber(default='+120012301') .. note:: ``phonenumbers`` >= **8.9.5** distribution is required """ def __init__(self, region='FR', max_length=20, *args, **kwargs): self.region = region self.max_length = max_length kwargs.pop('type_', None) self.sqlalchemy_type = PhoneNumberType( region=region, max_length=max_length) super(PhoneNumber, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def setter_format_value(self, value): """Return formatted phone number value :param value: :return: """ if value and isinstance(value, str): value = self.sqlalchemy_type.python_type(value, self.region) return value
[docs] def autodoc_get_properties(self): """Return properties for autodoc :return: autodoc properties """ res = super(PhoneNumber, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['region'] = self.region res['max_length'] = self.max_length return res
def get_encrypt_key_type(self, registry, sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key): sqlalchemy_type = StringEncryptedType(sqlalchemy_type, encrypt_key) if sgdb_in(registry.engine, ['MySQL', 'MariaDB']): sqlalchemy_type.impl = types.String(max(self.max_length, 64)) return sqlalchemy_type
""" Added *process_result_value* at the class *EmailType*, because this method is necessary for encrypt the column """ EmailType.process_result_value = lambda self, value, dialect: value
[docs]class Email(Column): """Email column :: from anyblok.column import Email @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Email() """ sqlalchemy_type = EmailType
[docs] def setter_format_value(self, value): """Return formatted email value :param value: :return: """ if value is not None: return value.lower() return value # pragma: no cover
class CountryType(types.TypeDecorator, ScalarCoercible): """Generic type for Column Country """ impl = types.Unicode(3) python_type = python_pycountry_type def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect): if value and isinstance(value, self.python_type): return value.alpha_3 return value def process_result_value(self, value, dialect): return self._coerce(value) def _coerce(self, value): if value is not None and not isinstance(value, self.python_type): return pycountry.countries.get(alpha_3=value) return value # pragma: no cover
[docs]class Country(Column): """Country column. :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.column import Country from pycountry import countries @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Country(default=countries.get(alpha_2='FR')) """ sqlalchemy_type = CountryType def __init__(self, mode='alpha_2', *args, **kwargs): self.mode = mode if pycountry is None: raise FieldException( # pragma: no cover "'pycountry' package is required for use 'CountryType'") self.choices = {getattr(country, mode): for country in pycountry.countries} super(Country, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def setter_format_value(self, value): """Return formatted country value :param value: :return: """ if value and not isinstance(value, self.sqlalchemy_type.python_type): value = pycountry.countries.get( **{ self.mode: value, 'default': pycountry.countries.lookup(value) }) return value
[docs] def autodoc_get_properties(self): """Return properties for autodoc :return: autodoc properties """ res = super(Country, self).autodoc_get_properties() res['mode'] = self.mode res['choices'] = self.choices return res
[docs] def update_properties(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): """Update column properties :param registry: the current registry :param namespace: the namespace of the model :param fieldname: the fieldname of the model :param properties: the properties of the model """ super(Country, self).update_properties(registry, namespace, fieldname, properties) self.fieldname = fieldname properties['add_in_table_args'].append(self)
[docs] def update_table_args(self, registry, Model): """Return check constraints to limit the value :param registry: :param Model: :return: list of checkConstraint """ if self.encrypt_key: # dont add constraint because the state is crypted and nobody # can add new entry return [] if sgdb_in(registry.engine, ['MariaDB', 'MsSQL']): # No Check constraint in MariaDB return [] enum = [country.alpha_3 for country in pycountry.countries] constraint = """"%s" in ('%s')""" % (self.fieldname, "', '".join(enum)) enum.sort() key = md5() key.update(str(enum).encode('utf-8')) name = self.fieldname + '_' + key.hexdigest() + '_types' return [CheckConstraint(constraint, name=name)]
@CompareType.add_comparator(String, String) @CompareType.add_comparator(String, Selection) @CompareType.add_comparator(String, Sequence) def compare_strings(col1, type1, col2, type2): if type1.size != type2.size: raise FieldException( "You can't add a foreign key using based String columns with " "different size `{model1!s}.{col1!s}` pointing to " "`{model2!s}.{col2!s}` have different sizes {type1!r}({size1:d}) " "-> ({type2!r}){size2:d}".format( model1=col1.model_name, col1=col1.attribute_name, model2=col2.model_name, col2=col2.attribute_name, type1=type1.__class__, type2=type2.__class__, size1=type1.size, size2=type2.size ) ) @CompareType.add_comparator(String, Color) def compare_string_to_color(col1, type1, col2, type2): if type1.size != type2.max_length: raise FieldException( "You can't add a foreign key using based String columns with " "different size `{model1!s}.{col1!s}` pointing to " "`{model2!s}.{col2!s}` have different sizes {type1!r}({size1:d}) " "-> ({type2!r}){size2:d}".format( model1=col1.model_name, col1=col1.attribute_name, model2=col2.model_name, col2=col2.attribute_name, type1=type1.__class__, type2=type2.__class__, size1=type1.size, size2=type2.max_length ) )