Source code for anyblok.config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is a part of the AnyBlok project
#    Copyright (C) 2014 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
#    Copyright (C) 2017 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
#    Copyright (C) 2019 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
# obtain one at
from .logging import log
from argparse import ArgumentParser, _ArgumentGroup, REMAINDER
from configparser import ConfigParser
import sys
import os
import json
import yaml
import urllib
from appdirs import AppDirs
from os.path import join, isfile
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import URL, make_url
from logging import (getLogger, config, NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR,
                     CRITICAL, basicConfig, Logger)

logger = getLogger(__name__)

def parse_qs(entry):
    res = urllib.parse.parse_qs(entry)
    for k, v in res.items():
        if len(v) == 1:
            res[k] = v[0]

    return res

[docs]def get_db_name(): """Return an sqlalchemy name of the database from configuration db_name or db_url :rtype: name of the database :exception: ConfigurationException """ url = Configuration.get('db_url', None) db_name = Configuration.get('db_name', None) if db_name is not None: return db_name if url: url = make_url(url) if url.database: return url.database raise ConfigurationException("No database name defined")
[docs]def get_url(db_name=None): """Return an sqlalchemy URL for database Return database options, only the database name db_name can be overloaded:: url = get_url(db_name='Mydb') ..note:: Since 0.5.3, an URL can be define by the configuration file. The *username*, *password* and *database* if overwrite by the options if they are filled:: # db_url = 'postgresql:///db' get_url() ==> 'postgresql:///db' # db_user_name = 'jssuzanne' # db_password = 'secret' get_url() ==> 'postgresql://jssuzanne:secret@/db' # db_name = 'db1' get_url() ==> 'postgresql://jssuzanne:secret@/db1' get_url(db_name='Mydb') ==> 'postgresql://jssuzanne:secret@/Mydb' :param db_name: database name :rtype: SqlAlchemy URL :exception: ConfigurationException """ url = Configuration.get('db_url', None) drivername = Configuration.get('db_driver_name', None) username = Configuration.get('db_user_name', None) password = Configuration.get('db_password', None) host = Configuration.get('db_host', None) port = Configuration.get('db_port', None) database = Configuration.get('db_name', None) query = Configuration.get('db_query', {}) if db_name is not None: database = db_name if url: url = make_url(url) if username: url = url.set(username=username) if password: url = url.set(password=password) if database: url = url.set(database=database) return url if drivername is None: raise ConfigurationException('No driver name defined') return URL.create( drivername, username=username, password=password, host=host, port=port, database=database, query=query)
[docs]class ConfigurationException(LookupError): """Simple Exception for Configuration"""
def is_none(type, value): """Check if the value is a *NoneValue* depending on the type :param type_: type of value :param value: value to check :rtype: *bool*, True if it is a *NoneValue* """ if value is None: return True if isinstance(value, str) and value.upper() == 'NONE': return True if value == '' and type is not str: return True return False def cast_value(cast, value): """Cast the value :param cast: final type of data wanted :param value: initial value to cast :rtype: casted value or *NoneValue* """ if is_none(cast, value): return None elif not cast: return value elif cast is bool and isinstance(value, str): if value.upper() == 'TRUE': return True else: return False else: return cast(value) def nargs_type(key, nargs, cast): """Return nargs type :param key: :param nargs: :param cast: final type of data wanted :return: """ def wrap(val): """Return list of casted values :param val: :return: :exception ConfigurationException """ if isinstance(val, str): sep = ' ' if '\n' in val: sep = '\n' elif ',' in val: sep = ',' val = [x.strip() for x in val.split(sep)] if not isinstance(val, list): raise ConfigurationException("Waiting list not %r for %r " "get: %r" % (type(val), key, val)) limit = len(val) if nargs not in ('?', '+', '*', REMAINDER): limit = int(nargs) return [cast_value(cast, x) for x in val[:limit]] return wrap class AnyBlokActionsContainer: def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs): """Overload the method to add the entry in the configuration dict :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ default = kwargs.pop('default', None) nargs = kwargs.get('nargs', None) type = kwargs.get('type') arg = super(AnyBlokActionsContainer, self).add_argument( *args, **kwargs) if type is None: if kwargs.get('action') == 'store_true': type = bool if default is None: default = False else: type = str dest = arg.dest if nargs: type = nargs_type(dest, nargs, type) Configuration.add_argument(dest, default, type=type) return arg def set_defaults(self, **kwargs): """Overload the method to update the entry in the configuration dict :param kwargs: """ super(AnyBlokActionsContainer, self).set_defaults(**kwargs) for dest, default in kwargs.items(): if not Configuration.has(dest): raise KeyError('Option %s does not exist' % dest) Configuration.set(dest, default) def add_argument_group(self, *args, **kwargs): """Add argument group :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ group = AnyBlokArgumentGroup(self, *args, **kwargs) self._action_groups.append(group) return group class AnyBlokArgumentParser(AnyBlokActionsContainer, ArgumentParser): """Over load the argparse in the goal to define type directly by Configuration class for argparse and config files """ class AnyBlokArgumentGroup(AnyBlokActionsContainer, _ArgumentGroup): """Over load the argparse group in the goal to define type directly by Configuration class for argparse and config files """ def AnyBlokPlugin(import_definition): """Callable to cast import string definition to object :: path = AnyBlokPlugin('sys:path') // Registry = AnyBlokPlugin('anyblok.registry:Registry') :param import_definition: string of the object to import :rtype: imported object """ if not isinstance(import_definition, str): return import_definition import_path, import_name = import_definition.split(':') module = __import__(import_path, fromlist=[import_name]) if hasattr(module, import_name): return getattr(module, import_name) raise ImportError("%s does not exist in %s" % (import_name, import_path)) class ConfigOption: def __init__(self, value, type): self.type = type self.set(value) def get(self): """Get configuration option value :return: """ return self.value def set(self, value): """Set configuration option value :param value: """ self.value = cast_value(self.type, value) def getParser(**kwargs): """Return a parser :param description: configuration help description :rtype: ``ArgumentParser`` instance """ return AnyBlokArgumentParser(**kwargs)
[docs]class Configuration: """``Configuration`` is used to define the options of the real argparse and its default values. Each application or blok can declare needed options here. This class stores three attributes: * groups: lists of options indexed * labels: if a group has a label then all the options in group are gathered in a parser group * configuration: result of the ``Configuration`` after loading """ groups = {} labels = {} configuration = {} applications = { 'default': { 'description': "[options] -- other arguments", 'configuration_groups': ['config', 'database'], }, }
[docs] @classmethod def add_application_properties(cls, application, new_groups, add_default_group=True, **kwargs): """Add argparse properties for an application If the application does not exist, the application will be added in the applications properties storage. new_groups: extend the existing groups defined. If no group is defined before, this extend the groups of the default application. :param application: the name of the application :param new_groups: list of the configuration groups :param add_default_group: if True the default groups will be added :params kwargs: other properties to change """ if application not in cls.applications: cls.applications[application] = {} app = cls.applications[application] if kwargs: app.update(kwargs) if new_groups: if 'configuration_groups' not in app: app['configuration_groups'] = [] if add_default_group: app['configuration_groups'].extend( cls.applications['default']['configuration_groups']) cg = app['configuration_groups'] for new_group in new_groups: if new_group not in cg: cg.append(new_group)
[docs] @classmethod def add(cls, group, label=None, function_=None, must_be_loaded_by_unittest=False): """Add a function in a group. The ``function_`` must have two arguments: * ``parser``: the parser instance of argparse * ``default``: A dict with the default value This ``function_`` defines what the option given in first argument to ``add`` method must do. You can declare this group: * either by calling the ``add`` method as a function:: def foo(parser, default): pass Configuration.add('create-db', function_=foo) * or by calling the ``add`` method as a decorator:: @Configuration.add('create-db') def bar(parser, default): pass By default the group is unnamed, if you want a named group, you must set the ``label`` attribute:: @Configuration.add('create-db', label="Name of the group") def bar(parser, default): pass :param group: group is a set of parser option :param label: If the group has a label then all the functions in the group are put in group parser :param function_: function to add :param must_be_loaded_by_unittest: unittest calls this function to init configuration of AnyBlok to run unittest" """ if group not in cls.groups: cls.groups[group] = [] if label: cls.labels[group] = label if function_: if function_ not in cls.groups[group]: function_.must_be_loaded_by_unittest = \ must_be_loaded_by_unittest cls.groups[group].append(function_) else: def wrapper(function): if function not in cls.groups[group]: function.must_be_loaded_by_unittest = \ must_be_loaded_by_unittest cls.groups[group].append(function) return function return wrapper
[docs] @classmethod def has(cls, option): """Check if an option exists in the configuration dict Return True if the option is in the configuration dict and the value is not None. A None value is different that a ConfigOption with None value :param option: option key to check :rtype: boolean True is exist """ if option in cls.configuration and cls.configuration[option]: return True return False
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, opt, default=None): """Get a value from the configuration dict after loading the application When the application is loaded, all the options are saved in the Configuration. And all the applications have free access to these options:: from anyblok._configuration import Configuration database = Configuration.get('db_name') ..warning:: Some options are used as a default value not real value, such as the db_name :param opt: name of the option :param default: default value if the option doesn't exist """ if cls.has(opt): return cls.configuration[opt].get() return default
[docs] @classmethod def set(cls, opt, value): """Set a value to the configuration dict :param opt: name of the option :param value: value to set """ try: if opt in cls.configuration: cls.configuration[opt].set(value) else: cls.add_argument(opt, value, type(value)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.exception("Error while setting the value %r to the option " "%r" % (value, opt)) raise e
[docs] @classmethod def update(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Update option values :param args: :param kwargs: :exception ConigurationException """ if args: if len(args) > 1: raise ConfigurationException("Too many args. " "Only one expected") if not isinstance(args[0], dict): raise ConfigurationException("Wrong args type. Dict expected") for k, v in args[0].items(): cls.set(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items(): cls.set(k, v)
[docs] @classmethod def add_argument(cls, key, value, type=str): """Add a configuration option :param key: :param value: :param type: """ cls.configuration[key] = ConfigOption(value, type)
[docs] @classmethod def remove_label(cls, group): """Remove an existing label The purpose of this function is to remove an existing label from a specific group:: @Configuration.add('create-db', label="Name of the group") def bar(parser, defaul): pass Configuration.remove_label('create-db') :param group: group is a set of parser option """ if group in cls.labels: del cls.labels[group]
[docs] @classmethod def remove(cls, group, function_): """Remove an existing function If your application inherits some unwanted options from a specific function, you can unlink this function:: def foo(opt, default): pass Configuration.add('create-db', function_=foo) Configuration.remove('create-db', function_=foo) :param group: group is a set of parser option :param function_: function to add """ if group in cls.groups: if function_ in cls.groups[group]: cls.groups[group].remove(function_)
[docs] @classmethod @log(logger) def load_config_for_test(cls): """Load the argparse configuration needed for the unittest""" if not cls.configuration: parser = getParser() for group in cls.groups.keys(): for fnct in cls.groups[group]: if ( fnct.must_be_loaded_by_unittest or group in ('plugins',) ): fnct(parser) ad = AppDirs('AnyBlok') # load the global configuration file cls.parse_configfile( join(ad.site_config_dir, 'conf.cfg'), False) # load the user configuration file cls.parse_configfile( join(ad.user_config_dir, 'conf.cfg'), False) configfile = cls.get('configfile') if configfile: cls.parse_configfile(configfile, True) # pragma: no cover
[docs] @classmethod @log(logger, level='debug') def load(cls, application, useseparator=False, **kwargs): """Load the argparse definition and parse them :param application: name of the application :param useseparator: boolean(default False) :param **kwargs: ArgumentParser named arguments """ sep = len(sys.argv) our_argv = sys.argv[1:] description = {} if application in cls.applications: description.update(cls.applications[application]) else: description.update(cls.applications['default']) # pragma: no cover description.update(kwargs) configuration_groups = description.pop( 'configuration_groups', cls.applications['default']['configuration_groups']) if 'plugins' not in configuration_groups: configuration_groups.append('plugins') if useseparator: # pragma: no cover parser = getParser(**description) try: sep = sys.argv.index('--') our_argv = sys.argv[1:sep] except ValueError: pass else: parser = getParser(**description) cls._load(parser, configuration_groups) args = parser.parse_args(our_argv) if sep is not None: del sys.argv[1:sep + 1] cls.parse_options(args)
@classmethod def _load(cls, parser, configuration_groups): """Load the argparse definition and parse them :param configuration_groups: list configuration groupe to load :param useseparator: boolean(default False) """ if configuration_groups is None: return # pragma: no cover for group in cls.groups: if group not in configuration_groups: continue label = cls.labels.get(group) if label: g = parser.add_argument_group(label) else: g = parser for function in cls.groups[group]: function(g)
[docs] @classmethod def initialize_logging(cls): """Initialize logger and configure """ level = { 'NOTSET': NOTSET, 'DEBUG': DEBUG, 'INFO': INFO, 'WARNING': WARNING, 'ERROR': ERROR, 'CRITICAL': CRITICAL }.get(cls.get('logging_level')) logging_configfile = cls.get('logging_configfile') json_logging_configfile = cls.get('json_logging_configfile') yaml_logging_configfile = cls.get('yaml_logging_configfile') logging_level_qualnames = cls.get('logging_level_qualnames') if logging_configfile: config.fileConfig(logging_configfile) # pragma: no cover elif json_logging_configfile: with open(json_logging_configfile, 'rt') as f: # pragma: no cover configfile = json.load( config.dictConfig(configfile) elif yaml_logging_configfile: with open(yaml_logging_configfile, 'rt') as f: # pragma: no cover configfile = yaml.load( config.dictConfig(configfile) if level: basicConfig(level=level) if logging_level_qualnames: qualnames = set(x.split('.')[0] for x in Logger.manager.loggerDict.keys() if x in logging_level_qualnames) else: qualnames = set(x.split('.')[0] # pragma: no cover for x in Logger.manager.loggerDict.keys()) for qualname in qualnames: getLogger(qualname).setLevel(level) # pragma: no cover
[docs] @classmethod def parse_configfile(cls, configfile, required): """Parse the configuration file :param configfile: :param required: :return: """ cur_cwd = os.getcwd() configfile = os.path.abspath(configfile) print('Loading config file %r' % configfile) if not isfile(configfile): if required: raise ConfigurationException( # pragma: no cover "No such file or not a regular file: %r " % configfile) return cwd_file, file_name = os.path.split(configfile) configuration = {} try: os.chdir(cwd_file) cparser = ConfigParser() sections = cparser.items('AnyBlok') for opt, value in sections: if opt in ('logging_configfile', 'json_logging_configfile', 'yaml_logging_configfile'): if value: # pragma: no cover value = os.path.abspath(value) configuration[opt] = value if 'extend' in configuration: extend = configuration.pop('extend') if extend: cls.parse_configfile(extend, True) finally: os.chdir(cur_cwd) cls.update(**configuration)
[docs] @classmethod def parse_options(cls, arguments): """Parse options :param arguments: """ if arguments._get_args(): raise ConfigurationException( 'Positional arguments are forbidden') ad = AppDirs('AnyBlok') # load the global configuration file cls.parse_configfile( join(ad.site_config_dir, 'conf.cfg'), False) # load the user configuration file cls.parse_configfile( join(ad.user_config_dir, 'conf.cfg'), False) if 'configfile' in dict(arguments._get_kwargs()).keys(): if arguments.configfile: cls.parse_configfile(arguments.configfile, True) for opt, value in arguments._get_kwargs(): if opt not in cls.configuration or value: cls.set(opt, value) if 'logging_level' in cls.configuration: cls.initialize_logging() # pragma: no cover
@Configuration.add('plugins', label='Plugins', must_be_loaded_by_unittest=True) def add_plugins(group): """Add arguments to 'plugins' configuration group :param group: """ group.add_argument('--registry-cls', dest='Registry', type=AnyBlokPlugin, default='anyblok.registry:Registry', help="Registry class to use") group.add_argument('--migration-cls', dest='Migration', type=AnyBlokPlugin, default='anyblok.migration:Migration', help="Migration class to use") group.add_argument('--get-url-fnct', dest='get_url', type=AnyBlokPlugin, default='anyblok.config:get_url', help="get_url function to use") @Configuration.add('config', must_be_loaded_by_unittest=True) def add_configuration_file(parser): """Add arguments to 'config' configuration group :param parser: """ parser.add_argument('-c', dest='configfile', default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_CONFIG_FILE'), help="Relative path of the config file") parser.add_argument('--without-auto-migration', dest='withoutautomigration', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--ignore-migration-for-models', nargs="+", help="Models ignored by the migration") parser.add_argument('--ignore-migration-for-schemas', nargs="+", help="Schemas ignored by the migration") parser.add_argument('--isolation-level', default="READ_COMMITTED", choices=["SERIALIZABLE", "REPEATABLE_READ", "READ_COMMITTED", "READ_UNCOMMITTED", "AUTOCOMMIT"]) parser.add_argument('--default-timezone', default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE'), help="default timezone use by naive datetime " "(by default use the timezone of the serveur") @Configuration.add('database', label="Database", must_be_loaded_by_unittest=True) def add_database(group): """Add arguments to 'database' configuration group :param group: """ group.add_argument('--db-name', default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_DATABASE_NAME'), help="Name of the database") group.add_argument('--db-url', default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_DATABASE_URL'), help="Complete URL for connection with the database") group.add_argument('--db-driver-name', default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_DATABASE_DRIVER'), help="the name of the database backend. This name " "will correspond to a module in " "sqlalchemy/databases or a third party plug-in") group.add_argument('--db-user-name', default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_DATABASE_USER'), help="The user name") group.add_argument('--db-password', default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_DATABASE_PASSWORD'), help="database password") group.add_argument('--db-host', default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_DATABASE_HOST'), help="The name of the host") group.add_argument('--db-port', type=int, default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_DATABASE_PORT'), help="The port number") group.add_argument('--db-query', type=parse_qs, default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_DATABASE_QUERY'), help="Query string to add parameter to the connection") group.add_argument('--db-echo', action="store_true", default=(os.environ.get( 'ANYBLOK_DATABASE_ECHO') or False)) group.add_argument('--db-echo-pool', action="store_true", default=False) group.add_argument('--db-max-overflow', type=int, default=10) group.add_argument('--db-pool-size', type=int, default=5) group.add_argument('--default-encrypt-key', default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_ENCRYPT_KEY'), help=("Default ey definition to encrypt column with " "encryp_key=True")) @Configuration.add('create_db', must_be_loaded_by_unittest=True) def add_create_database(group): """Add arguments to 'create_db' configuration group :param group: """ group.add_argument( '--db-template-name', default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_DATABASE_TEMPLATE_NAME'), help="Name of the template") group.add_argument( '--with-demo', default=os.environ.get('ANYBLOK_WITH_DEMO', False), action='store_true', help="Call **update_demo** method define on bloks to import demo data " "while installing the project. If this option is used at database " "creation that information will be kept in the database then " "**update_demo** method will be called while updating bloks as " "well.", ) @Configuration.add('install-bloks') def add_install_bloks(parser): """Add arguments to 'install-bloks' configuration group :param parser: """ parser.add_argument('--install-bloks', nargs="+", help="blok to install") parser.add_argument('--install-all-bloks', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--test-blok-at-install', action='store_true') @Configuration.add('uninstall-bloks') def add_uninstall_bloks(parser): """Add arguments to 'uninstall-bloks' configuration group :param parser: """ parser.add_argument('--uninstall-bloks', nargs="+", help="bloks to uninstall") @Configuration.add('install-or-update-bloks') def add_install_or_update_bloks(parser): """Add arguments to 'install-or-update-bloks' configuration group :param parser: """ parser.add_argument('--install-or-update-bloks', nargs="+", help="bloks to install or update") @Configuration.add('update-bloks', label='Update database') def add_update_bloks(parser): """Add arguments to 'update-bloks' configuration group :param parser: """ parser.add_argument('--update-bloks', nargs="+", help="bloks to update") parser.add_argument('--update-all-bloks', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--reinit-all', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--reinit-tables', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--reinit-columns', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--reinit-indexes', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--reinit-constraints', action='store_true') @Configuration.add('interpreter') def add_interpreter(parser): """Add arguments to 'interpreter' configuration group :param parser: """ parser.add_argument('--script', dest='python_script', help="Python script to execute") @Configuration.add('schema', label="Schema options") def add_schema(group): """Add arguments to 'schema' configuration group :param group: """ try: from graphviz.files import FORMATS except ImportError: from graphviz.backend import FORMATS group.add_argument('--schema-format', default='png', choices=tuple(FORMATS)) @Configuration.add('doc', label="Doc options") def add_doc(group): """Add arguments to 'doc' configuration group :param group: """ group.add_argument('--doc-format', default='RST', choices=('RST', 'UML', 'SQL')) group.add_argument('--doc-output', default='anyblok-documentation') group.add_argument('--doc-wanted-models', nargs='+', help='Detail only these models') group.add_argument('--doc-unwanted-models', nargs='+', help='No detail these models') @Configuration.add('logging', label="Logging") def add_logging(group): """Add arguments to 'logging' configuration group :param group: """ group.add_argument('--logging-level', dest='logging_level', choices=['NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']) group.add_argument('--logging-level-qualnames', nargs='+', help="Limit the log level on a qualnames list") group.add_argument('--logging-config-file', dest='logging_configfile', help="Relative path of the logging config file") group.add_argument('--logging-json-config-file', dest='json_logging_configfile', help="Relative path of the logging config file (json). " "Only if the logging config file doesn't filled") group.add_argument('--logging-yaml-config-file', dest='yaml_logging_configfile', help="Relative path of the logging config file (yaml). " "Only if the logging and json config file doesn't " "filled") @Configuration.add('preload', label="Preload") def define_preload_option(group): """Add arguments to 'preload' configuration group :param group: """ group.add_argument('--databases', dest='db_names', nargs="+", help='List of the database allow to be load')