Source code for anyblok.field

# This file is a part of the AnyBlok project
#    Copyright (C) 2014 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
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from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from anyblok.common import anyblok_column_prefix
from anyblok.mapper import ModelRepr

class FieldException(Exception):
    """ Simple Exception for Field """

[docs]class Field: """ Field class This class must not be instanciated """ use_hybrid_property = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the field :param label: label of this field :type label: str """ self.forbid_instance(Field) self.label = None self.ignore_migration = kwargs.pop('ignore_migration', False) if 'label' in kwargs: self.label = kwargs.pop('label') self.context = kwargs.pop('context', {}) self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def forbid_instance(self, cls): """ Raise an exception if the cls is an instance of this __class__ :param cls: instance of the class :exception: FieldException """ if self.__class__ is cls: raise FieldException( "%r class must not be instanciated use a sub class" % cls)
def update_description(self, registry, model, res): res.update(self.context)
[docs] def update_properties(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): """ Update the propertie use to add new column :param registry: current registry :param namespace: name of the model :param fieldname: name of the field :param properties: properties known to the model """ if self.ignore_migration: table = registry.loaded_namespaces_first_step[ namespace]['__tablename__'] ignore_migration_for = registry.ignore_migration_for.get(table) if ignore_migration_for is True: return # pragma: no cover elif not ignore_migration_for: registry.ignore_migration_for[table] = [fieldname] else: ignore_migration_for.append(fieldname) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def get_property(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): """Return the property of the field .. warning:: In the case of the get is called in classattribute, SQLAlchemy wrap for each call the column, the id of the wrapper is not the same :param registry: current registry :param namespace: name of the model :param fieldname: name of the field :param properties: properties known to the model """ fget = self.wrap_getter_column(fieldname) fset = self.wrap_setter_column(fieldname) fexp = self.wrap_expr_column(fieldname) for func in (fget, fset, fexp): func.__name__ = fieldname hybrid = hybrid_property(fget) hybrid = hybrid.setter(fset) hybrid = hybrid.expression(fexp) return hybrid
def getter_format_value(self, value): return value
[docs] def wrap_getter_column(self, fieldname): """Return a default getter for the field :param fieldname: name of the field """ attr_name = anyblok_column_prefix + fieldname def getter_column(model_self): return self.getter_format_value(getattr(model_self, attr_name)) return getter_column
[docs] def wrap_expr_column(self, fieldname): """Return a default expr for the field :param fieldname: name of the field """ attr_name = anyblok_column_prefix + fieldname def expr_column(model_self): return getattr(model_self, attr_name) return expr_column
def expire_related_attribute(self, model_self, action_todos): for action_todo in action_todos: if len(action_todo) == 1: obj = model_self attrs = [action_todo[0]] else: obj = getattr(model_self, action_todo[0]) attrs = [action_todo[1]] if obj is None: continue if obj in model_self.anyblok.session: if obj._sa_instance_state.persistent: model_self.anyblok.expire(obj, attrs) def setter_format_value(self, value): return value def wrap_setter_column(self, fieldname): attr_name = anyblok_column_prefix + fieldname def setter_column(model_self, value): action_todos = set() if fieldname in model_self.loaded_columns: action_todos = model_self.anyblok.expire_attributes.get( model_self.__registry_name__, {}).get(fieldname, set()) self.expire_related_attribute(model_self, action_todos) value = self.setter_format_value(value) res = setattr(model_self, attr_name, value) self.expire_related_attribute(model_self, action_todos) return res return setter_column
[docs] def get_sqlalchemy_mapping(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): """ Return the instance of the real field :param registry: current registry :param namespace: name of the model :param fieldname: name of the field :param properties: properties known of the model :rtype: instance of Field """ self.format_label(fieldname) return self
[docs] def format_label(self, fieldname): """ Return the label for this field :param fieldname: if no label filled, the fieldname will be capitalized and returned :rtype: the label for this field """ if not self.label: label = fieldname.replace('_', ' ') self.label = label.capitalize()
[docs] def native_type(self, registry): """ Return the native SqlAlchemy type :exception: FieldException """ raise FieldException( "No native type for this field") # pragma: no cover
[docs] def must_be_declared_as_attr(self): """ Return False, it is the default value """ return False
[docs] def must_be_copied_before_declaration(self): """ Return False, it is the default value """ return False
def autodoc_get_properties(self): res = {'Type': self.__class__} res['Context'] = self.context res['Label'] = self.label res.update(self.kwargs) return res autodoc_omit_property_values = set(( ('Label', None), ('Context', None), )) def autodoc_format_dict(self, key, value, level=0): bullets = ['*', '+', '•', '‣'] bullet = bullets[level] padding = ' ' * level key = key.strip() if isinstance(value, dict): # pragma: no cover res = padding + '%c ``%s``:\n\n' % (bullet, key) res += '\n'.join( [self.autodoc_format_dict(x, y, level=level + 1) for x, y in value.items()]) res += '\n' return res elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): # pragma: no cover res = padding + '%c ``%s``:\n\n' % (bullet, key) next_bullet = bullets[level + 1] res += '\n'.join(padding + ' %c ``%r``' % (next_bullet, x) for x in value) res += '\n' return res else: if isinstance(value, type): rst_val = ':class:`%s.%s`' % (value.__module__, value.__name__) elif isinstance(value, ModelRepr): # pragma: no cover rst_val = value.model_name else: rst_val = '``%r``' % value return padding + '%c ``%s`` - %s' % (bullet, key, rst_val)
[docs] def autodoc_do_omit(self, k, v): """Maybe convert, then check in :attr:`autodoc_omit_property_values` Mutable types aren't hashable, and usually, if not empty, it makes sense to display them. Therefore, we replace them by None if empty to decide and let through otherwise. Hence, to exclude empty Context from autodoc, is done by putting ``('Context', None)`` in :attr:`autodoc_omit_property_values` """ if isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, dict) or isinstance(v, set): if v: return True v = None return (k, v) in self.autodoc_omit_property_values
def autodoc(self): return '\n'.join(self.autodoc_format_dict(x, y) for x, y in self.autodoc_get_properties().items() if not self.autodoc_do_omit(x, y))
[docs]class Function(Field): """ Function Field :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.field import Function @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: x = Function(fget='fget', fset='fset', fdel='fdel', fexp='fexpr') ..warning:: fexp must be a classmethod """
[docs] def get_sqlalchemy_mapping(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): """Return the property of the field :param registry: current registry :param namespace: name of the model :param fieldname: name of the field :param properties: properties known to the model """ def wrap(method): m = self.kwargs.get(method) if m is None: return None def function_method(model_self, *args, **kwargs): if method == 'fget': cls = registry.get(model_self.__registry_name__) if model_self is cls: return hasattr(model_self, m) return getattr(model_self, m)(*args, **kwargs) return function_method fget = wrap('fget') fset = wrap('fset') fdel = wrap('fdel') fexpr = wrap('fexpr') self.format_label(fieldname) properties['loaded_fields'][fieldname] = self.label return hybrid_property(fget, fset, fdel=fdel, expr=fexpr)
def format_struc(entry, keys): key = keys[0] if len(keys) == 1: if key not in entry: entry[key] = None else: if key not in entry: entry[key] = {} format_struc(entry[key], keys[1:]) class JsonRelated(Field): """ Json Related Field :: from anyblok.declarations import Declarations from anyblok.field import JsonRelated from anyblok.column import Json @Declarations.register(Declarations.Model) class Test: properties = Json() x = JsonRelated(json_column='properties', keys=['x']) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.json_column = kwargs.pop('json_column', None) if self.json_column is None: raise FieldException( "json_column is a required attribute for " "JsonRelated" ) self.keys = kwargs.pop('keys', None) if self.keys is None: raise FieldException( "keys is a required attribute for JsonRelated" ) self.get_adapter = kwargs.pop('get_adapter', None) self.set_adapter = kwargs.pop('set_adapter', None) super(JsonRelated, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_fget(self): def fget(model_self): json_column = getattr(model_self, self.json_column) if json_column is None: json_column = {} format_struc(json_column, self.keys) entry = json_column for key in self.keys: entry = entry[key] if entry and self.get_adapter: get_adapter = self.get_adapter if isinstance(get_adapter, str): get_adapter = getattr(model_self, get_adapter) entry = get_adapter(entry) return entry return fget def get_fset(self): def fset(model_self, value): json_column = getattr(model_self, self.json_column) if json_column is None: json_column = {} format_struc(json_column, self.keys) entry = json_column for key in self.keys[:-1]: entry = entry[key] if value and self.set_adapter: set_adapter = self.set_adapter if isinstance(set_adapter, str): set_adapter = getattr(model_self, set_adapter) value = set_adapter(value) entry[self.keys[-1]] = value setattr(model_self, self.json_column, json_column) return fset def get_fdel(self): def fdel(model_self): json_column = getattr(model_self, self.json_column) if json_column is None: json_column = {} format_struc(json_column, self.keys) entry = json_column for key in self.keys[:-1]: entry = entry[key] entry[self.keys[-1]] = None setattr(model_self, self.json_column, json_column) return fdel def get_fexpr(self): def fexpr(model_self): entry = getattr(model_self, self.json_column) for key in self.keys: entry = entry[key] return entry return fexpr def get_sqlalchemy_mapping(self, registry, namespace, fieldname, properties): """Return the property of the field :param registry: current registry :param namespace: name of the model :param fieldname: name of the field :param properties: properties known to the model """ self.format_label(fieldname) properties['loaded_fields'][fieldname] = self.label return hybrid_property( self.get_fget(), self.get_fset(), fdel=self.get_fdel(), expr=self.get_fexpr() ) def autodoc_get_properties(self): res = super(JsonRelated, self).autodoc_get_properties() res.update({ 'json_column': self.json_column, 'keys': ' -> '.join(self.keys), }) return res