Source code for anyblok.registry

# This file is a part of the AnyBlok project
#    Copyright (C) 2016 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
#    Copyright (C) 2021 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
# obtain one at
from logging import getLogger

from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, create_engine, event, text
from sqlalchemy.exc import (
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base, scoped_session, sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import close_all_sessions
from sqlalchemy_utils.functions import database_exists

from anyblok.common import anyblok_column_prefix, naming_convention

from .authorization.query import QUERY_WITH_NO_RESULTS, PostFilteredQuery
from .blok import BlokManager
from .config import Configuration, get_url
from .environment import EnvironmentManager
from .logging import log
from .migration import Migration
from .version import parse_version

    import pyodbc

    pyodbc.pooling = False  # pragma: no cover
    PyODBCProgrammingError = pyodbc.ProgrammingError  # pragma: no cover
except ImportError:

    class PyODBCProgrammingError(Exception):

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RegistryManagerException(Exception): """Simple Exception for Registry"""
[docs]class RegistryException(Exception): """Simple Exception for Registry"""
class RegistryConflictingException(Exception): """Simple Exception for Registry"""
[docs]class RegistryManager: """Manage the global registry Add new entry:: RegistryManager.declare_entry('newEntry') RegistryManager.init_blok('newBlok') EnvironmentManager.set('current_blok', 'newBlok') RegistryManager.add_entry_in_register( 'newEntry', 'oneKey', cls_) EnvironmentManager.set('current_blok', None) Remove an existing entry:: if RegistryManager.has_entry_in_register('newBlok', 'newEntry', 'oneKey'): RegistryManager.remove_entry_in_register( 'newBlok', 'newEntry', 'oneKey', cls_) get a new registry for a database:: registry = RegistryManager.get('my database') """ loaded_bloks = {} declared_entries = [] declared_cores = [] callback_pre_assemble_entries = {} callback_assemble_entries = {} callback_initialize_entries = {} callback_unload_entries = {} registries = {}
[docs] @classmethod def has_blok(cls, blok): """Return True if the blok is already loaded :param blok: name of the blok :rtype: boolean """ return blok in cls.loaded_bloks
[docs] @classmethod def clear(cls): """Clear the registry dict to force the creation of new registry""" registries = [r for r in cls.registries.values()] for registry in registries: registry.close()
[docs] @classmethod def unload(cls): """Call all the unload callbacks""" for entry, unload_callback in cls.callback_unload_entries.items():"Unload: %r" % entry) unload_callback() # pragma: no cover
[docs] @classmethod def get( cls, db_name, loadwithoutmigration=False, log_repeat=True, **kwargs ): """Return an existing Registry If the Registry doesn't exist then the Registry are created and added to registries dict :param db_name: the name of the database linked to this registry :param loadwithoutmigration: if True, registry is created without any migration of the database :param log_repeat: if False, when the registry is load whitout migration, the warning is not logged :rtype: ``Registry`` """ EnvironmentManager.set("db_name", db_name) if db_name in cls.registries: if loadwithoutmigration and log_repeat: logger.warning( "Ignoring loadwithoutmigration=True for database %r " "because its registry is already loaded", db_name, ) return cls.registries[db_name]"Loading registry for database %r", db_name) registry = Registry( db_name, loadwithoutmigration=loadwithoutmigration, **kwargs ) cls.registries[db_name] = registry return registry
[docs] @classmethod def reload(cls): """Reload the blok The purpose is to reload the python module to get changes in python file """ for registry in cls.registries.values(): registry.close_session() registry.Session = None registry.blok_list_is_loaded = False if registry.unittest: registry.init_bind() registry.reload()
[docs] @classmethod def declare_core(cls, core): """Add new core in the declared cores :: RegistryManager.declare_core('Core name') ----------------------------------------- @Declarations.register(Declarations.Core) class ``Core name``: ... .. warning:: The core must be declared in the application, not in the bloks The declaration must be done before the loading of the bloks :param core: core name """ if core not in cls.declared_cores: cls.declared_cores.append(core)
@classmethod def undeclare_core(cls, core): if core in cls.declared_cores: cls.declared_cores.remove(core)
[docs] @classmethod def declare_entry( cls, entry, pre_assemble_callback=None, assemble_callback=None, initialize_callback=None, ): """Add new entry in the declared entries :: def assemble_callback(registry): ... def initialize_callback(registry): ... RegistryManager.declare_entry( 'Entry name', assemble_callback=assemble_callback, initialize_callback=initialize_callback) @Declarations.register(Declarations.``Entry name``) class MyClass: ... .. warning:: The entry must be declared in the application, not in the bloks The declaration must be done before the loading of the bloks :param entry: entry name :param assemble_callback: function callback to call to assemble :param initialize_callback: function callback to call to init after assembling """ if entry not in cls.declared_entries: cls.declared_entries.append(entry) if pre_assemble_callback: cls.callback_pre_assemble_entries[entry] = pre_assemble_callback if assemble_callback: cls.callback_assemble_entries[entry] = assemble_callback if initialize_callback: cls.callback_initialize_entries[entry] = initialize_callback
[docs] @classmethod def declare_unload_callback(cls, entry, unload_callback): """Save a unload callback in registry Manager :param entry: declaration type name :param unload_callback: classmethod pointer """ cls.callback_unload_entries[entry] = unload_callback # pragma: no cover
@classmethod def undeclare_entry(cls, entry): if entry in cls.declared_entries: cls.declared_entries.remove(entry) if entry in cls.callback_pre_assemble_entries: del cls.callback_pre_assemble_entries[entry] # pragma: no cover if entry in cls.callback_assemble_entries: del cls.callback_assemble_entries[entry] if entry in cls.callback_initialize_entries: del cls.callback_initialize_entries[entry]
[docs] @classmethod def init_blok(cls, blokname): """init one blok to be known by the RegistryManager All bloks loaded must be initialized because the registry will be created with this information :param blokname: name of the blok """ blok = { "Core": {core: [] for core in cls.declared_cores}, "properties": {}, "removed": [], } for de in cls.declared_entries: blok[de] = {"registry_names": []} cls.loaded_bloks[blokname] = blok
[docs] @classmethod def has_core_in_register(cls, blok, core): """Return True if One Class exist in this blok for this core :param blok: name of the blok :param core: is the existing core name """ return len(cls.loaded_bloks[blok]["Core"][core]) > 0
[docs] @classmethod def add_core_in_register(cls, core, cls_): """Load core in blok warning the global var current_blok must be filled on the good blok :param core: is the existing core name :param ``cls_``: Class of the Core to save in loaded blok target registry """ current_blok = EnvironmentManager.get("current_blok") cls.loaded_bloks[current_blok]["Core"][core].append(cls_)
[docs] @classmethod def remove_in_register(cls, cls_): """Remove Class in blok and in entry :param ``cls_``: Class of the entry / key to remove in loaded blok """ current_blok = EnvironmentManager.get("current_blok") removed = cls.loaded_bloks[current_blok]["removed"] if cls_ not in removed: removed.append(cls_)
[docs] @classmethod def has_entry_in_register(cls, blok, entry, key): """Return True if One Class exist in this blok for this entry :param blok: name of the blok :param entry: is the existing entry name :param key: is the existing key in the entry """ if entry not in cls.loaded_bloks[blok]: return False if key not in cls.loaded_bloks[blok][entry]: return False return len(cls.loaded_bloks[blok][entry][key]["bases"]) > 0
[docs] @classmethod def add_entry_in_register(cls, entry, key, cls_, **kwargs): """Load entry in blok warning the global var current_blok must be filled on the good blok :param entry: is the existing entry name :param key: is the existing key in the entry :param ``cls_``: Class of the entry / key to remove in loaded blok """ bases = [] for base in cls_.__bases__: if hasattr(base, "__registry_name__"): bases.append(base) setattr(cls_, "__anyblok_bases__", bases) cb = EnvironmentManager.get("current_blok") if key not in cls.loaded_bloks[cb][entry]: cls.loaded_bloks[cb][entry][key] = { "bases": [], "properties": {}, } cls.loaded_bloks[cb][entry][key]["properties"].update(kwargs) # Add before in registry because it is the same order than the # inheritance __bases__ and __mro__ cls.loaded_bloks[cb][entry][key]["bases"].insert(0, cls_) if key not in cls.loaded_bloks[cb][entry]["registry_names"]: cls.loaded_bloks[cb][entry]["registry_names"].append(key)
@classmethod def get_entry_properties_in_register(cls, entry, key): cb = EnvironmentManager.get("current_blok") if key not in cls.loaded_bloks[cb][entry]: return {} # pragma: no cover return cls.loaded_bloks[cb][entry][key]["properties"].copy()
[docs] @classmethod def has_blok_property(cls, property_): """Return True if the property exists in blok :param property_: name of the property """ blok = EnvironmentManager.get("current_blok") if property_ in cls.loaded_bloks[blok]["properties"]: return True return False
[docs] @classmethod def add_or_replace_blok_property(cls, property_, value): """Save the value in the properties :param property_: name of the property :param value: the value to save, the type is not important """ blok = EnvironmentManager.get("current_blok") cls.loaded_bloks[blok]["properties"][property_] = value
[docs] @classmethod def get_blok_property(cls, property_, default=None): """Return the value in the properties :param property_: name of the property :param default: return default If not entry in the property """ blok = EnvironmentManager.get("current_blok") return cls.loaded_bloks[blok]["properties"].get(property_, default)
[docs] @classmethod def remove_blok_property(cls, property_): """Remove the property if exist :param property_: name of the property """ blok = EnvironmentManager.get("current_blok") if cls.has_blok_property(property_): del cls.loaded_bloks[blok]["properties"][property_]
[docs]class Registry: """Define one registry A registry is linked to a database, and stores the definition of the installed Bloks, Models, Mixins for this database:: registry = Registry('My database') """ def __init__( self, db_name, loadwithoutmigration=False, unittest=False, **kwargs ): self.db_name = db_name self.loadwithoutmigration = loadwithoutmigration self.unittest = unittest self.additional_setting = kwargs self.init_engine(db_name=db_name) self.init_bind() self.registry_base = type( "RegistryBase", tuple(), {"anyblok": self, "Env": EnvironmentManager}, ) self.withoutautomigration = Configuration.get("withoutautomigration") self.ini_var() self.Session = None self.blok_list_is_loaded = False self.pre_assemble_entries() self.load()
[docs] def init_bind(self): """Initialize the bind""" if self.unittest: self.bind = self.engine.connect() self.unittest_transaction = self.bind.begin() else: self.bind = self.engine self.unittest_transaction = None
[docs] def init_engine_options(self, url): """Define the options to initialize the engine""" return dict( echo=Configuration.get("db_echo") or False, max_overflow=Configuration.get("db_max_overflow") or 10, echo_pool=Configuration.get("db_echo_pool") or False, pool_size=Configuration.get("db_pool_size") or 5, isolation_level=self.additional_setting.get( "isolation_level", Configuration.get("isolation_level", "READ_UNCOMMITTED"), ), )
[docs] def init_engine(self, db_name=None): """Define the engine :param db_name: name of the database to link """ url = get_url(db_name=db_name) kwargs = self.init_engine_options(url) kwargs["future"] = True self.rw_engine = create_engine(url, **kwargs) self.apply_engine_events(self.rw_engine)
[docs] def apply_engine_events(self, engine): """Add engine events the engine event come from: * entrypoints: ``anyblok.engine.event`` * entrypoints: ``anyblok.engine.event.**dialect's name**`` * registry additional_setting: ``anyblok.engine.event`` """ def _apply_engine_events(key): for i in iter_entry_points(key): "Update engine event for %s from entrypoint %r" % (key, i) ) i.load()(engine) _apply_engine_events("anyblok.engine.event") _apply_engine_events("anyblok.engine.event." + for funct in self.additional_setting.get("anyblok.engine.event", []):"Update engine event %r" % funct) funct(engine)
@property def engine(self): """property to get the engine""" return self.rw_engine
[docs] def ini_var(self): """Initialize the var to load the registry""" self.loaded_namespaces = {} self.declarativebase = None self.loaded_bloks = {} self.loaded_registries = { x + "_names": [] for x in RegistryManager.declared_entries } self.loaded_cores = { core: [] for core in RegistryManager.declared_cores } self.ordered_loaded_bloks = [] self.loaded_namespaces = {} self.children_namespaces = {} = {} self.removed = [] EnvironmentManager.set("_precommit_hook", []) EnvironmentManager.set("_postcommit_hook", []) self._sqlalchemy_known_events = [] self.expire_attributes = {} # key = tablename # value = True if all table else list of columns names self.ignore_migration_for = {}
@classmethod def db_exists(cls, db_name=None): if not db_name: raise RegistryException("db_name is required") url = get_url(db_name=db_name) return database_exists(url) def listen_sqlalchemy_known_event(self): for e, namespace, method in self._sqlalchemy_known_events: if hasattr(method, "get_attribute"): method = method.get_attribute(self) event.listen( e.mapper(self, namespace, usehybrid=False), e.event, method, *e.args, **e.kwargs, ) def remove_sqlalchemy_known_event(self): for e, namespace, method in self._sqlalchemy_known_events: try: if hasattr(method, "get_attribute"): method = method.get_attribute(self) event.remove(e.mapper(self, namespace), e.event, method) except InvalidRequestError: pass
[docs] def get(self, namespace): """Return the namespace Class :param namespace: namespace to get from the registry str :rtype: namespace cls :exception: RegistryManagerException """ if namespace not in self.loaded_namespaces: raise RegistryManagerException("No namespace %r loaded" % namespace) return self.loaded_namespaces[namespace]
def has(self, namespace): return True if namespace in self.loaded_namespaces else False
[docs] def get_bloks_by_states(self, *states): """Return the bloks in these states :param states: list of the states :rtype: list of blok's name """ if not states: return [] params = {} where = [] for i, state in enumerate(states): var = f"state_{i}" params[var] = state where.append(f"state = :{var}") if len(where) == 1: where = where[0] else: where = " OR ".join(where) res = [] query = """SELECT "order", name""" query += " FROM system_blok" query += f" WHERE {where}" try: res = self.execute(text(query).bindparams(**params), fetchall=True) except ( ProgrammingError, OperationalError, PyODBCProgrammingError, InternalError, ): # During the first connection the database is empty pass if res: res.sort() return [x[1] for x in res] return []
[docs] def get_bloks_to_load(self): """Return the bloks to load by the registry :rtype: list of blok's name """ return self.get_bloks_by_states("installed", "toupdate")
[docs] def get_bloks_to_install(self, loaded): """Return the bloks to install in the registry :rtype: list of blok's name """ toinstall = self.get_bloks_by_states("toinstall") for blok in BlokManager.auto_install: if blok not in (toinstall + loaded): toinstall.append(blok) if toinstall and self.withoutautomigration: raise RegistryManagerException( # pragma: no cover "Install modules %r is forbidden with no auto migration " "mode" % toinstall ) return toinstall
[docs] def check_permission(self, target, principals, permission): """Check that one of the principals has permisson on target. :param target: model instance (record) or class. Checking a permission on a model class with a policy that needs to work on records is considered a configuration error: the policy has the right to fail. :param principals: list, set or tuple of strings :rtype: bool """ return self.lookup_policy(target, permission).check( target, principals, permission )
[docs] def wrap_query_permission(self, query, principals, permission, models=()): """Wrap query to return only authorized results :param principals: list, set or tuple of strings :param models: models on which to apply security filtering. If not supplied, it will be infered from the query. The length and ordering much match that of expected results. :returns: a query-like object, implementing the results fetching API, but that can't be further filtered. This method calls all the relevant policies to apply pre- and post-filtering. Although postfiltering is discouraged in authorization policies for performance and expressiveness (limit, offset), there are cases for which it is unavoidable, or in which the tradeoff goes the other way. In normal operation, the relevant models are infered directly from the query. For join situations, and more complex queries, the caller has control on the models on which to exert permission checking. For instance, it might make sense to use a join between Model1 and Model2 to actually constrain Model1 (on which permission filtering should occur) by information contained in Model2, even if the passed principals should not grant access to the relevant Model2 records. """ if not models: models = [] for column in query.column_descriptions: if column["aliased"]: # actually, think aliases could work almost direcly # it's just a matter of documenting that what the policy # gets may be an alias instead of a model. raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "Sorry, table/model aliases aren't supported yet. " "Here's the unsupported column: %r" % column ) if not issubclass(column["type"], self.registry_base): raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover "Sorry, only model columns are supported for now. " "Here is the unsupported one: %r" % column ) models.append(column["type"]) postfilters = {} for model in models: policy = self.lookup_policy(model, permission) query = policy.filter(model, query, principals, permission) if query is False: # TODO use a dedicated singleton ? return QUERY_WITH_NO_RESULTS if policy.postfilter is not None: # pragma: no cover postfilters[model] = lambda rec: policy.postfilter( rec, principals, permission ) return PostFilteredQuery(query, postfilters)
[docs] def lookup_policy(self, target, permission): """Return the policy instance that applies to target or its model. :param target: model class or instance If a policy is declared for the precise permission, it is returned. Otherwise, the default policy for that model is returned. By ultimate default the special :class:`anyblok.authorization.rule.DenyAll` is returned. """ model_name = target.__registry_name__ policy = self._authz_policies.get((model_name, permission)) if policy is not None: return policy policy = self._authz_policies.get(model_name) if policy is not None: return policy return self._authz_policies.get(None)
[docs] def load_entry(self, blok, entry): """load one entry type for one blok :param blok: name of the blok :param entry: declaration type to load """ _entry = RegistryManager.loaded_bloks[blok][entry] for key in _entry["registry_names"]: v = _entry[key] if key not in self.loaded_registries: self.loaded_registries[key] = {"properties": {}, "bases": []} self.loaded_registries[key]["properties"].update(v["properties"]) old_bases = [] + self.loaded_registries[key]["bases"] self.loaded_registries[key]["bases"] = v["bases"] self.loaded_registries[key]["bases"] += old_bases self.loaded_registries[entry + "_names"].append(key)
[docs] def load_core(self, blok, core): """load one core type for one blok :param blok: name of the blok :param core: the core name to load """ if core in RegistryManager.loaded_bloks[blok]["Core"]: bases = RegistryManager.loaded_bloks[blok]["Core"][core] for base in bases: self.loaded_cores[core].insert(0, base) else: logger.warning("No Core %r found" % core)
def load_properties(self, blok): properties = RegistryManager.loaded_bloks[blok]["properties"] for k, v in properties.items(): # pragma: no cover if k not in[k] = v elif isinstance([k], dict) and isinstance(v, dict): elif isinstance([k], list) and isinstance(v, list): else:[k] = v def load_removed(self, blok): for removed in RegistryManager.loaded_bloks[blok]["removed"]: if removed not in self.removed: self.removed.append(removed) def load_bloks(self, bloks, toinstall, toload, required=True): for blok in bloks: if required: if not self.load_blok(blok, toinstall, toload): raise RegistryManagerException( # pragma: no cover "Required blok %r not found" % blok ) elif toinstall or blok in toload: self.load_blok(blok, toinstall, toload)
[docs] def load_blok(self, blok, toinstall, toload): """load on blok, load all the core and all the entry for one blok :param blok: name of the blok :exception: RegistryManagerException """ if blok in self.ordered_loaded_bloks: return True if blok not in BlokManager.bloks: return False # pragma: no cover b = BlokManager.bloks[blok](self) self.load_bloks(b.required + b.conditional, toinstall, toload) self.load_bloks(b.optional, toinstall, toload, required=False) for core in RegistryManager.declared_cores: self.load_core(blok, core) for entry in RegistryManager.declared_entries: self.load_entry(blok, entry) self.load_properties(blok) self.load_removed(blok) self.loaded_bloks[blok] = b self.ordered_loaded_bloks.append(blok) logger.debug("Blok %r loaded" % blok) return True
def check_dependencies(self, blok, dependencies_to_install, toinstall): if blok in dependencies_to_install: return True if blok not in BlokManager.bloks: return False # pragma: no cover b = BlokManager.bloks[blok](self) for required in b.required: if not self.check_dependencies( required, dependencies_to_install, toinstall ): raise RegistryManagerException( # pragma: no cover "%r: Required blok not found %r" % (blok, required) ) for optional in b.optional: self.check_dependencies( optional, dependencies_to_install, toinstall ) if blok not in toinstall: dependencies_to_install.append(blok) return True def update_to_install_blok_dependencies_state(self, toinstall): dependencies_to_install = [] for blok in toinstall: self.check_dependencies(blok, dependencies_to_install, toinstall) if dependencies_to_install: params = {} where = [] for i, dep in enumerate(dependencies_to_install): key = f"blok_{i}" params[key] = dep where.append(f"name = :{key}") if len(where) == 1: where = where[0] else: where = " OR ".join(where) query = f""" update system_blok set state='toinstall' where ({where}) and state = 'uninstalled'""" try: self.execute(text(query).bindparams(**params)) except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError): # pragma: no cover pass return True return False def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): fetchall = kwargs.pop("fetchall", False) if self.Session: res = self.session.execute(*args, **kwargs) if fetchall: return res.fetchall() return res else: conn = None with self.engine.connect() as conn: res = conn.execute(*args, **kwargs) if fetchall: return res.fetchall() return res # pragma: no cover def get_namespace(self, parent, child): if hasattr(parent, child) and getattr(parent, child): return getattr(parent, child) tmpns = type(child, tuple(), {"children_namespaces": {}}) if hasattr(parent, "children_namespaces"): parent.children_namespaces[child] = tmpns setattr(parent, child, tmpns) return tmpns def final_namespace(self, parent, child, base): if hasattr(parent, child) and getattr(parent, child): other_base = self.get_namespace(parent, child) other_base = other_base.children_namespaces.copy() for ns, cns in other_base.items(): setattr(base, ns, cns) if hasattr(parent, "children_namespaces"): if child in parent.children_namespaces: parent.children_namespaces[child] = base elif hasattr(parent, "children_namespaces"): parent.children_namespaces[child] = base setattr(parent, child, base)
[docs] def add_in_registry(self, namespace, base): """Add a class as an attribute of the registry :param namespace: tree path of the attribute :param base: class to add """ namespace = namespace.split(".")[1:] def update_namespaces(parent, namespaces): if len(namespaces) == 1: self.final_namespace(parent, namespaces[0], base) else: new_parent = self.get_namespace(parent, namespaces[0]) update_namespaces(new_parent, namespaces[1:]) update_namespaces(self, namespace)
[docs] def create_query_factory(self): """Create a wrapper for select statement The goal is to emulate old legacy query behaviour with the uniquify select statement. and keep the compatibily between AnyBlok < 1.2 and AnyBlok >= 1.2 """ query_bases = [] + self.loaded_cores["Query"] + [self.registry_base] self.Query = type("Query", tuple(query_bases), {})
[docs] def create_session_factory(self): """Create the SQLA Session factory in function of the Core Session class ans the Core Qery class """ if self.Session is None: bind = self.bind self.Session = scoped_session( sessionmaker(bind=bind, future=True), EnvironmentManager.scoped_function_for_session(), ) self.apply_session_events() else: self.flush()
[docs] @log(logger, level="debug") def load(self): """Load all the namespaces of the registry Create all the table, make the shema migration Update Blok, Model, Column rows """ mustreload = False blok2install = None try: self.declarativebase = declarative_base( metadata=MetaData(naming_convention=naming_convention), class_registry=dict(registry=self), ) toload = self.get_bloks_to_load() toinstall = self.get_bloks_to_install(toload) if ( not self.loadwithoutmigration and self.update_to_install_blok_dependencies_state(toinstall) ): toinstall = self.get_bloks_to_install(toload) if self.loadwithoutmigration and not toload and toinstall: logger.warning("Impossible to use loadwithoumigration") self.loadwithoutmigration = False # pragma: no cover self.load_bloks(toload, False, toload) if toinstall and not self.loadwithoutmigration: blok2install = toinstall[0] self.load_blok(blok2install, True, toload) instrumentedlist_base = [] + self.loaded_cores["InstrumentedList"] instrumentedlist_base += [list] self.InstrumentedList = type( "InstrumentedList", tuple(instrumentedlist_base), {} ) self.assemble_entries() self.create_query_factory() self.create_session_factory() self.apply_model_schema_on_table(blok2install) self.listen_sqlalchemy_known_event() mustreload = self.is_reload_needed() or mustreload except Exception as e: self.close() raise e if len(toinstall) > 1 or mustreload: self.reload() else: self.System.Blok.load_all() self.loadwithoutmigration = False
[docs] def apply_session_events(self): """Add session events the session event come from: * entrypoints: ``anyblok.session.event`` * entrypoints: ``anyblok.session.event.**sgdb**`` * registry additional_setting: ``anyblok.session.event`` """ def _apply_session_events(key): for i in iter_entry_points(key): "Update session event for %s from entrypoint %r" % (key, i) ) i.load()(self.session) # pragma: no cover _apply_session_events("anyblok.session.event") _apply_session_events( "anyblok.session.event." + ) for funct in self.additional_setting.get("anyblok.session.event", []):"Update session event %r" % funct) funct(self.session)
def assemble_entries(self): for entry in RegistryManager.declared_entries: if entry in RegistryManager.callback_assemble_entries: logger.debug("Assemble %r entry" % entry) RegistryManager.callback_assemble_entries[entry](self) def pre_assemble_entries(self): for entry in RegistryManager.declared_entries: if entry in RegistryManager.callback_pre_assemble_entries: logger.debug("Pre assemble %r entry" % entry) RegistryManager.callback_pre_assemble_entries[entry](self) def apply_model_schema_on_table(self, blok2install): # replace the engine by the session.connection for bind attribute # because session.connection is already the connection use # by blok, migration and all write on the data base # or use engine for bind, force create_all method to create new # new connection, this new connection have not acknowedge of the # data in the session.connection, and risk of bad lock on the # tables if self.loadwithoutmigration: return if not self.withoutautomigration and blok2install == "anyblok-core": self.declarativebase.metadata.tables["system_blok"].create( bind=self.connection(), checkfirst=True ) self.migration = Migration(self) query = """ SELECT name, installed_version FROM system_blok WHERE (state = 'toinstall' AND name = :bloks_name) OR state = 'toupdate'""" res = self.execute( text(query).bindparams(bloks_name=blok2install), fetchall=True ) if res: for blok, installed_version in res: b = BlokManager.get(blok)(self) parsed_version = ( parse_version(installed_version) if installed_version is not None else None ) b.pre_migration(parsed_version) self.migration.auto_upgrade_database(schema_only=True) if not self.withoutautomigration: self.declarativebase.metadata.create_all(self.connection()) self.migration.auto_upgrade_database() for blok, installed_version in res: b = BlokManager.get(blok)(self) parsed_version = ( parse_version(installed_version) if installed_version is not None else None ) b.post_migration(parsed_version) else: self.migration.auto_upgrade_database()
[docs] def is_reload_needed(self): """Determines whether a reload is needed or not.""" mustreload = False for entry in RegistryManager.declared_entries: if entry in RegistryManager.callback_initialize_entries: logger.debug("Initialize %r entry" % entry) r = RegistryManager.callback_initialize_entries[entry](self) mustreload = mustreload or r return mustreload
[docs] def expire(self, obj, attribute_names=None): """Expire object in session, you can define some attribute which are expired:: registry.expire(instance, ['attr1', 'attr2', ...]) :param obj: instance of ``Model`` :param attribute_names: list of string, names of the attr to expire """ if attribute_names: hybrid_property_columns = ( obj.__class__.get_hybrid_property_columns() ) attribute_names = [ ( anyblok_column_prefix + x if x in hybrid_property_columns else x ) for x in attribute_names ] self.session.expire(obj, attribute_names=attribute_names)
[docs] def flag_modified(self, obj, attribute_names=None): """Flag the attributes as modified :: registry.flag_modified(instance, ['attr1', 'attr2', ...]) :param obj: instance of ``Model`` :param attribute_names: list of string, names of the attr to expire """ if attribute_names: hybrid_property_columns = ( obj.__class__.get_hybrid_property_columns() ) for attribute_name in attribute_names: if attribute_name in hybrid_property_columns: attribute_name = anyblok_column_prefix + attribute_name flag_modified(obj, attribute_name)
[docs] def expire_all(self): """Expire all the objects in session :: registry.expire_all() """ self.session.expire_all()
[docs] def expunge(self, obj): """Expunge instance of the session, remove all links of this instance in the session:: registry.expunge(instance_of_model) """ self.session.expunge(obj)
[docs] def refresh(self, obj, attribute_names=None, with_for_update=None): """Expire and reload object in session, you can define some attribute which are refreshed:: registry.refresh(instance, ['attr1', 'attr2', ...]) :param obj: instance of ``Model`` :param attribute_names: list of string, names of the attr to refresh :param with_for_update: Boolean, acquire lock on the row until commit/rollback transaction """ if attribute_names: attribute_names = [ ( anyblok_column_prefix + x if x in obj.hybrid_property_columns else x ) for x in attribute_names ] self.session.refresh( obj, attribute_names=attribute_names, with_for_update=with_for_update, )
def rollback(self, *args, **kwargs): logger.debug("[ROLLBACK] with args=%r and kwargs = %r", args, kwargs) self.session.rollback(*args, **kwargs) EnvironmentManager.set("_precommit_hook", []) EnvironmentManager.set("_postcommit_hook", [])
[docs] def close_session(self): """Close only the session, not the registry After the call of this method the registry won't be usable you should use close method which call this method """ if self.unittest_transaction and self.unittest_transaction.is_active: self.unittest_transaction.rollback() if self.Session: session = self.Session() if not self.unittest_transaction: session.rollback() session.expunge_all() close_all_sessions() if self.unittest_transaction: self.unittest_transaction.close() self.bind.close()
[docs] def close(self): """Release the session, connection and engine""" self.close_session() self.engine.dispose() if self.db_name in RegistryManager.registries: del RegistryManager.registries[self.db_name]
def __getattr__(self, attribute): # TODO safe the call of session for reload if self.Session: session = self.Session() if attribute == "session": return session if hasattr(session, attribute): return getattr(session, attribute) else: return super(Registry, self).__getattr__(attribute)
[docs] def precommit_hook(self, registryname, method, *args, **kwargs): """Add a method in the precommit_hook list a precommit hook is a method called just before the commit, it is used to call this method once, because a hook is saved only once :param registryname: namespace of the model :param method: method to call on the registryname :param put_at_the_end_if_exist: if true and hook allready exist then the hook are moved at the end """ put_at_the_end_if_exist = kwargs.pop("put_at_the_end_if_exist", False) entry = (registryname, method, args, kwargs) _precommit_hook = EnvironmentManager.get("_precommit_hook", []) if entry in _precommit_hook: if put_at_the_end_if_exist: _precommit_hook.remove(entry) _precommit_hook.append(entry) else: _precommit_hook.append(entry) EnvironmentManager.set("_precommit_hook", _precommit_hook)
[docs] def postcommit_hook(self, registryname, method, *args, **kwargs): """Add a method in the postcommit_hook list a precommit hook is a method called just after the commit, it is used to call this method once, because a hook is saved only once you can choice if the hook is called in function of ``call_only_if``: * ``commited``: Call if the commit is done without exception * ``raised``: Call if one exception was raised * ``always``: Always call :param registryname: namespace of the model :param method: method to call on the registryname :param put_at_the_end_if_exist: if true and hook allready exist then the hook are moved at the end :param call_only_if: ['commited' (default), 'raised', 'always'] """ put_at_the_end_if_exist = kwargs.pop("put_at_the_end_if_exist", False) call_only_if = kwargs.pop("call_only_if", "commited") entry = (registryname, method, call_only_if, args, kwargs) _postcommit_hook = EnvironmentManager.get("_postcommit_hook", []) if entry in _postcommit_hook: if put_at_the_end_if_exist: _postcommit_hook.remove(entry) _postcommit_hook.append(entry) else: _postcommit_hook.append(entry) EnvironmentManager.set("_postcommit_hook", _postcommit_hook)
def apply_precommit_hook(self): hooks = [] _precommit_hook = EnvironmentManager.get("_precommit_hook") if _precommit_hook: hooks.extend(_precommit_hook) for hook in hooks: Model = self.loaded_namespaces[hook[0]] method = hook[1] a = hook[2] kw = hook[3] getattr(Model, method)(*a, **kw) _precommit_hook.remove(hook) def apply_postcommit_hook(self, withexception=False): hooks = [] _postcommit_hook = EnvironmentManager.get("_postcommit_hook") if _postcommit_hook: hooks.extend(_postcommit_hook) for hook in hooks: registryname, method, call_only_if, a, kw = hook if withexception is False and call_only_if == "raised": _postcommit_hook.remove(hook) continue if withexception is True and call_only_if == "commited": _postcommit_hook.remove(hook) continue Model = self.loaded_namespaces[registryname] try: getattr(Model, method)(*a, **kw) except Exception as e: logger.exception(str(e)) finally: _postcommit_hook.remove(hook)
[docs] @log(logger, level="debug") def commit(self, *args, **kwargs): """Overload the commit method of the SqlAlchemy session""" logger.debug("[COMMIT] with args=%r and kwargs = %r", args, kwargs) try: self.apply_precommit_hook() self.session_commit(*args, **kwargs) try: self.apply_postcommit_hook(withexception=False) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.exception(str(e)) except Exception as e: try: self.apply_postcommit_hook(withexception=True) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.exception(str(e)) raise e
def flush(self): if not self.session._flushing: self.session.flush() def session_commit(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.Session: session = self.Session() session.commit(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def clean_model(self): """Clean the registry of all the namespaces""" for model in self.loaded_namespaces.keys(): name = model.split(".")[1] if hasattr(self, name) and getattr(self, name): setattr(self, name, None)
[docs] @log(logger, level="debug") def complete_reload(self): """Reload the code and registry""" BlokManager.reload() RegistryManager.reload()
[docs] @log(logger, level="debug") def reload(self): """Reload the registry, close session, clean registry, reinit var""" # self.close_session() self.remove_sqlalchemy_known_event() self.clean_model() self.ini_var() self.load()
def get_bloks(self, blok, filter_states, filter_modes): Blok = self.System.Blok definition_blok = BlokManager.bloks[blok] bloks_name = [] for filter_mode in filter_modes: bloks_name.extend(getattr(definition_blok, filter_mode)) if not bloks_name: return [] query = Blok.query() query = query.filter( query = query.filter(Blok.state.in_(filter_states)) return query.all().name def check_conflict_with(self, blok): Blok = self.System.Blok definition_blok = BlokManager.bloks[blok] conflicting_bloks = [] conflicting_bloks.extend(definition_blok.conflicting) conflicting_bloks.extend(definition_blok.conflicting_by) query = Blok.query() query = query.filter( query = query.filter( Blok.state.in_(["installed", "toinstall", "toupdate"]) ) if query.count(): raise RegistryConflictingException( "Installation of the blok %r is forbidden, because the blok " "%r conflict with the blok(s) : %r" % (blok, blok, [str(x) for x in query.all()]) )
[docs] def apply_state(self, blok_name, state, in_states): """Apply the state of the blok name :param blok_name: the name of the blok :param state: the state to apply :param in_states: the blok must be in this state :exception: RegistryException """ Blok = self.System.Blok query = Blok.query().filter( == blok_name) blok = query.first() if blok is None: raise RegistryException( "Blok %r not found in entry point declarations" % blok_name ) if blok.state == state: logger.debug( "Does not change state for blok %s because is the " "same %s" % (blok_name, state) ) return if blok.state not in in_states: raise RegistryException( "Apply state %r is forbidden because the state %r of " "blok %r is not one of %r" % (state, blok.state, blok_name, in_states) ) "Change state %s => %s for blok %s" % (blok.state, state, blok_name) ) self.execute( text( "UPDATE system_blok SET state=:blok_state where name=:blok_name" ).bindparams(blok_state=state, blok_name=blok_name) )
[docs] @log(logger, level="debug", withargs=True) def upgrade(self, install=None, update=None, uninstall=None): """Upgrade the current registry :param install: list of the blok to install :param update: list of the blok to update :param uninstall: list of the blok to uninstall :exception: RegistryException """ Blok = self.System.Blok def upgrade_state_bloks(state): def wrap(bloks): for blok in bloks: if state == "toinstall": self.check_conflict_with(blok) self.apply_state(blok, state, ["uninstalled"]) upgrade_state_bloks(state)( self.get_bloks( blok, ["undefined", "uninstalled"], ["required", "optional", "conditional"], ) ) elif state == "toupdate": self.apply_state(blok, state, ["installed"]) upgrade_state_bloks(state)( self.get_bloks( blok, ["installed"], [ "required_by", "optional_by", "conditional_by", ], ) ) elif state == "touninstall": if Blok.check_if_the_conditional_are_installed(blok): raise RegistryException( "the blok %r can not be unistalled because " "this blok is a conditional blok and all the " "bloks in his conditional list are installed " "You must uninstall one of them" % blok ) self.apply_state(blok, state, ["installed"]) upgrade_state_bloks(state)( self.get_bloks( blok, ["installed", "toinstall", "touninstall"], ["required_by", "conditional_by"], ) ) upgrade_state_bloks("toupdate")( self.get_bloks( blok, ["installed", "toinstall", "touninstall"], ["optional_by"], ) ) return wrap upgrade_state_bloks("touninstall")(uninstall or []) upgrade_state_bloks("toinstall")(install or []) upgrade_state_bloks("toupdate")(update or []) self.reload() self.expire_all()
@log(logger, level="debug") def update_blok_list(self): if not self.blok_list_is_loaded: self.System.Blok.update_list() self.blok_list_is_loaded = True